Now, when dear Sans! wrote on her fabulous blog about the commission she ordered from me, I think I can show it to you too.
Everything started from the post about 9 trials of making 1:12 chair by me. After this post this sweet Lady emailed me with a question if I would be interested in making two similar chairs for her new fascinating project.
After a lot of hesitation caused by lack of self confidence and lack of experience I decided to give it a try. Treated it like a challenge for my skills.
Dear Sans! told me that these chairs for her upcomming project should be smaller than 1:12 chair I had made before, so that was quite a challenge to work on something smaller than the things I'd tried last time. She sent me a photo of what she was thinking of and I started to work on them.
Although Sans! told me she didn't want anything golden for her new minihouse, she's got a bit of glittering, as for the seatings I found a perfect scale fabric in.... gold colour only. Good we both could repaint it! I also carved the chairs for the first time in my life. That was not that easy from me.
I was thrilled to read this sweet and gifted Artist liked them after seeing the photos! Later on I was really affraid what she would say when she'd got them in her hands! So imagine my relief when she wrote she likes them "alive"!!! That was the best reward of all!
Dearest Sans! thank you for your trust in my skills and courage to order as the first person ever from me! I will be always grateful to you for it!
If there is anything you saw on this blog that was made by me and you like it, please don't hesitate and email me. Although I will start my business in a couple of months we can talk about it for sure.:)
Wszystko zaczęło się od mojego posta o 9 próbach zrobienia krzesła w skali 1:12. Po tym poscie Sans! napisała do mnie maila z pytaniem czy nie chciałabym zrobić dla niej dwóch podobnych krzesełek. Po ogromnym wahaniu spowodowanym brakiem wiary we własne zdolnosci oraz brakiem doswiadczenia zdecydowałam się spróbować. Potraktowałam to zamówienie jak wyzwanie. Sans! powiedziała mi, że żeby krzesła pasowały do jej nowego projektu, muszą być mniejsze od "normalnych" wymiarów w skali 1:12. Wielkosć krzesełek była więc dla mnie również wyzwaniem. Chociaż Sans! nie chciała niczego ze złota, to jedyny pasujący materiał jaki znalazłam na siedziska był własnie...złoty! Na szczęscie można go przemalować. Po raz pierwszy spróbowałam też rzeźbić w drewnie. Nie było to wcale proste. Trudno się więc dziwić, że ucieszyłam się bardzo gdy Sans! powiedziała, że krzesełka na zdjęciach jej się podobają. Później umierałam ze strachu, że na żywo jej się jednak nie spodobają. Z wielką ulgą więc przeczytałam jej maila pełnego zachwytów nad mebelkami.
Zawsze już będę wdzięczna Sans za to, że uwierzyła w moje zdolnosci i miała odwagę zamówić cos zrobionego przeze mnie!
Jesli na tym blogu spodobało się Wam cos co zostało zrobione przeze mnie, nie wahajcie się i piszcie na mojego maila. Zawsze możemy o tym porozmawiać.:)
Hello 2025
22 hours ago
Congrats!!!! ☺☺ Love the chairs ☺
Now I am going to read Susan's blog!!
PS You have to believe in your talent ;)
Thank you so much Eva! It means a lot!:)
Ewa son unas magnificas piezas y estoy segura de que Sans las va a disfrutar muchisimo, eres una persona generosa y muy cariñosa, una gran persona.
besitos ascension
Bravo Ewa! Your chairs are gorgeous, your talents unlimited. Good luck with your business.
I do not think I deserve all these nice words, querida Ascension! I am so happy you like them! Muchisimas gracias!
Thank you so much, Drora!
I am not so sure about that talent of mine...;D
Happy you like them!
The chairs and the table are fabulous.
Bye Fbay
I saw your chairs on Sans blog. Congratulations you have done a fantastic job. You have a lot of talent and your work is wonderful. Wishing you the best of luck in your new venture.
Hugs Maria
Thank you so much Faby! Glad you like them!:)
Thank you very very very much, Maria! Happy you like them!:)
unas sillas preciosas...
Muchisimas graciaas Carmen! happy you like them!:)
Hi Ewa, you've made beautiful chairs for Sans!, great job! Believe in yourself and what you're doing. You love your work and (most important!) you enjoy it!! So give it a chance, Ewa! Good luck in the future!
Hugs and I wish you a great weekend, Ilona
Thank you very much Ilona! I really appreciate every word of support! Guess I really need it.;)
Have a great weekend too!
No to masz Kochana problem, bo mi podoba się wszystko co tworzysz :-)!!!!!
Cieszę się, że nie czekałam długo na posta o tych krzesełkach, co prawda już je chwaliłam więc się powtórzę, ale jest też zdjęcie stolika od góry - cudo. Wyglądają pięknie i mogę się tylko domyślać ile się przy nich napracowałaś. Uściski!
Chin up dear Ewa, you are so talented and you cannot be the only one who dosen't know it.
Your chairs are lovely as well as your works. I wish you all the best for your next to be opened shop.
Fabulous job! I am sure Sans will be very pleased.
Nie chcę się powtarzać ale te krzesełka są śliczne! Gratuluję :)
Gratuluję serdecznie! Cieszę się, że się podjęłaś tego 'zlecenia'. Wyszło ci fatastycznie!
Ale tam problem, Agnieszko, to sama przyjemność przeczytać takie miłe słowa! Dziękuję Ci raz jeszcze serdecznie!
Thank you so much, Rosanna! It really makes me more sure of my skills and hopes.:)
Thank you so much, Janice! She is!:)
Serdecznie dziękuje Maju!!
Dzięki Efa! Bardzo się cieszę, że się podobają!!
Hi Ewa, I saw your chairs and the lovely table on Sans blog, Wow they are amazing, you have done a fantastic job.
Have a great weekend :)
Hugs Mieke xxx
You did a wonderful job making these very pretty chairs for Sans! She must be soooo happy!!
And I am very sure your buisiness will be a succes!! :-)
Hugs Jollie
Felicidades!!! Son unas sillas preciosas!!!!
Besitos y feliz fin de semana.
Ewa, one są po prostu fajne! i naprawdę jestem zaskoczona, że to Twoje pierwsze zamówienie, bo to co robisz jest fajnie pomyślane, skomponowane i super wykonane,... to mnie zaskoczyłaś...
Ale czasem właśnie potrzebne jest człowiekowi, żeby ktoś powiedział, że to co robi jest ciekawe i niepowtarzalne, to jednak co innego gdy ktoś potwierdzi nasze podejrzenia;)
Nie pozwalam Ci w to wątpić :o)
Ewa!!! What is that? "Lack of self confidence" and "lack of experience"??? Dearie, your work is so beautiful and outstanding and Sans! wasn't the first to notice, only the first to commission something from you. Let me tell you that whenever I come to your blog to read your newest post I'm amazed every single time again when the pic of Snape's office appears... ;O) - The chairs are fantastic - I'm not surprised they were exactly what Sans! wanted. And starting a business sounds very exciting - great and good plans!
I hope now that you believe your skills are amazing and have the confidence to continue with commissions. Brilliant! Gill x
The table and chairs are very beautiful. I'd like them when I saw the Sans's blog. :)
Vi las sillas ayer en el blog de Sans!
Son magníficas.
Eres una artista.
Un abrazo
Ewa! How exciting!
I will never forget my first commisioned work. Good for you and it is fabulous!
Your chairs are beautiful. No wonder Sans liked them. It's a wonderful feeling to make things that other people would like to have too, isn't it ? :-)
Thank you so much Mieke!! Happy you like them!
Great weekend to you too!
She is, Jollie!
I do hope so!;)
And happy you like them!! Thank you!!
Muchisimas gracias, Carmen(hadanet)! Happy you like them!
Feliz fin de semana to you too!
Dzięki serdeczne Magdo! Postaram się nie wątpić chociaż ze mną to nic nigdy nie wiadomo! Dziękuję baaaaaaaaaaardzo za słowa wsparcia, bo dużo one dla mnie znaczą.:) I ciesze się niezmiernie, że moje wypociny Ci się podobają!
Brigit, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support you are giving me since the first minute we've virtually met! I really hope we will meet one day in real life! You are a great Friend and your words of support mean a lot to me! Thank you!!!!
Thank you so so much Gill!! happy you like them!!!
Thank you very much, Eliana! I am so happy to read you like them!!
Muchisimas gracias Rosamargarita! So happy you like them! :)
Thank you very much Dale! I don't think I will ever forget about it too!
Yes it is, Christine! I bet you know it best!:) Thank you so much and happy you like them!
Ewa, you did a MAGNIFICENT job with these chairs!!!! They are Truly Beautiful!!!! Lucky Sans! I can't wait to see what she will do with them!
Me too, Betsy!;D Thank you very much! And I am soooo happy you like them!!
Congratulations, Ewa! Your work is fantastic, and I'm sure your business will be a smashing success! :-) Jennifer
Thank you so much, Jennifer! I can only keep my fingers crossed for it!LOL!
They are really stunning, Ewa -- a beautiful job!
Thank you so much, Nina!
Congrats for the Chairs..They are Beautiful! And Congrats for the Comission! That is wonderful! I am happy for you! Hugs
Thank you very much Kikka! Happy you like them too!
Congratulations for your first order.
Your chairs are very beautiful.
Hugs from Craftland
Thank you very much Craftland! Glad you like them too!:)
fantastic chairs.
xx Conny
Welcome Conny!!! Thank you very much!
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