Strangely I wasn’t even angry, somehow I blamed the wood already after the second trial as it was really soft and I could almost carve it using pencil only. But I didn’t give in and went to the shop the next day to buy the hardest looking wood there was. I remember thinking if my little saw would cut anything out of it before it would be broken too…;D But luckily for me my little tool wasn’t as weak as I thought and the ninth trial was a success!
So here it is: a chair already painted...
...and aged.
This is the only way I am using canvas nowadays!;D
And the chair with the pillow on. Sorry about the light but the days are short now.

Hope you like it!
Oh I guess you would like to see the original chair on the photo? But….. I am not quite satisfied with this one yet – yes, yes, I know, again! ;D - you will have to wait until the next trail if it is going to be a successfull one, that is. ;D
To było tak: zobaczyłam fotkę mebla w jednym z naszych magazynów wnętrzarskich i zapragnęłam odtworzyć ten mebel w miniaturze. Ponieważ jednak miał on dużo krzywizn obawiałam się, że moją małą piłką nie dam sobie z nimi rady. Pomysł więc sobie dojrzewał w mojej głowie dobrych parę miesięcy, aż w końcu postanowiłam spróbować. Kupiłam kawałek deski i spróbowałam wyciąć z niej odpowiedni kształt. Przy pierwszej próbie wycięłam jedną stronę mebla, ale druga mi się złamała podczas wycinania. I tak minęło 7 prób. Po 8 miałam już wycięte oba kształty, ale podczas szlifowania znowu jeden się złamał... Jakoś się dziwnie nawet nie zdenerwowałam. Zdążyłam winę zwalić na drewno już podczas drugiej próby, bo było tak miękkie, że można było w nim rzeźbić wzorki ołówkiem! Nie poddałam się jednak i następnego dnia kupiłam najtwardszą deskę jaka była w sklepie.;) Troszkę się obawiałam czy moja piła sobie z nim poradzi, ale okazało się, że zupełnie bezpodstawnie i dziewiąta próba zakończyła się sukcesem:) Póki co nie pokazuję Wam oryginalnego mebla, bo jak zwykle nie do końca jestem zadowolona z miniatury. Czeka mnie więc kolejna próba i jeśli się powiedzie to zobaczycie i oryginalny mebel, i moją bardziej udaną wersję. Mam jednak nadzieję, że i ta wersja się Wam spodoba.
Charming! And well done. I like this type of chair myself. I might just take the risk and try it. Thank you for sharing your results.
Ewa, ha valido la pena intentarlo nueve veces, porque te ha quedado fantastica, estas haciendo unos preciosos muebles, enhorabuena.
besitos ascension
Tabitha - it is so good to read your comment!:) Thank you so much and can't wait to see your vesion!:)
Muchisimas gracias querida Ascension! Happy you like the result!:)
It was worth the efford!!!! Congratulations, it is beautiful and a hard job! Carmen
What a disaster. So many attempts. But the result is great. So extraordinary. And aging has worked well.
Hugs from Craftland
Thank you so much Carmen!Happy you like it!:)
Wow! You are so talented! The chair looks wonderful it was worth all your trials.
Thank you so much dear Craftland! It was a lot of work, really glad you like it!
Ewa! This stool is a love! I love it, it's perfect, and it shows in your stubbornness groped more ... Your dedication has been rewarded! Many congratulations and best wishes for a Merry Christmas!
kisses, Caterina
Thank you very very much for your kind words dear Drora! Happy you like it that much!:)
WOW Caterina, thank you soooo much! I don't really deserve so many kind words from you! Really happy you like it so much!
A very Merry Christmas to you too!
OMG!!! EWA!!! I am screaming here and so excited! I don't know why but my heart is actually thumping quite hard! My dear, like Caterina, I declare this a complete and absolute SUCCESS! Everything , down to the last stroke of your aging is nothing but perfection! Perfect for my house, I tell you!
That is your 1st sale, my dear. MINE! May I have the honour of being your 1st customer? I hope you won't deny me the pleasure. This chair is just exactly what I will love for my next project. I love how the canvas worked out. Just perfect! Or did I say that already? Maybe I want a pair if I can afford it :). Email me please :):):)
I like! It's perfect and elegant.
Bye Faby
Ewa its beautiful. All your hard work was worth it it looks perfect to me. I love how you aged it.
Hugs Maria
Sans!! LOL!!! I don't know what I should write to you now? If it was a perfect perfect piece as I wanted it to be I would pack it and send it to you tomorrow.
I will email you this weekend I promise - right now I need to cram a few words in foreign language;D
Thank you so much, dear Sans! And you made me very curious about your new project!
Thank you so much Faby! Happy you find it elegant!
Thank you very much, Maria! I am so happy you like it. Aging is the best fun for me.:)
Oh it's so good, Sans is right in grabbing it at first sight.
Congratulations for a lovely piece well worth the effort you made.
Best wishes, Rosanna
Gracias Carmen!
Thank you so much, Rosanna! It is nice to rad you here!:D Happy you like it!
Boszzzzz co ja bym dała za taki mebelek!!! Marzą mi się od niepamiętnych czasów takżę rozumię twój upór w stworzeniu miniaturki :) Cudownie ci wyszło! Podziwiam zapał i upór!! Czekam na więcej i życzę powodzenia^^
Beautiful work Ewa!!! The aging is perfect ;)
Chapeau - nine trials! I would have thrown that broken wood in the ashtray after the second failure... But however No. 1-8 may have looked like, No. 9 is perfect. Fantastic job, and what a clever idea to use the canvas!
Wow! Ewa, how could you not be satisfied? It is BEAUTIFUL! And I could never have imagined that you made it from scratch! I am so impressed! It is truly Lovely... and has inspired me to try something similar for my Castle..... one of these days! You are Amazing! I LOVE it!
All of your effort paid off wonderfully, great chair.
How wonderful you didn't give up...the chair is really beautiful! Well done!!!
O Ewa, it is already good enough. You know me, perfect (not sure what you mean by that) for me means must be imperfect . Even then I don't see any fault at all. Ok, I am patient and can wait. Just make sure I am your 1st customer ok? :) Good luck for you and me..teehee.
What a lovely chair. I like the way ypo aged it very much.
Have a grest Sunday !
Hugs Mieke xxx
Efa, ale w skali 1:1? Bo ja takich nie robię ;)
Dziękuję Ci z całego serca!Uściski
Thank you so much, Victoria! Happy you like it!
Brigit - I did it! I threw the broken pieces out!LOL! This time I had a lot of patience - which is not a common thing when it comes to me, you have to know that;)- don't really know where from it came.
Thank you very much!
Big hugs
Dear Betsy, can't wait for your furniture!Yours are so pretty!:)
Thank you so much for so kind words! And happy you love it!!!
And yes I still see some mistakes...that's me I guess;)
Thank you very much, Mary! Happy you like it!
Thank you so much, Margriet! Very glad you like it!
Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes, dear Sans, that's what I mean!:D Your "imperfect" is always PERFECT to me!:)
Oh yes, good luck is all we need indeed!;D
Thank you so much Mieke! happy you like it!
Have a great weekend too!
This looks fantastic! You are a very patient one, and your patience has paid off! :-)
I admire your great work! Nice piece of Art!
Thank you so much Jennifer! Happy you like it!:)
Oh, wow! I would never ever even think it is near Art! Thank you very very very much for your kind words, Wellajoy! You made my day!:D
Ewa, I think it's a gorgeous chair! What a great job! Btw,I'm always struggling with aging the furniture (never make it right:), but your chair is perfect!
Thank you so much, Victoria! This is a real compliment from so much talented Lady, which you are!
Aging is actually my favourite thing and easy for me, just a bit of paint here and there;)
Your chair looks very, very good. I like it!! Merry Christmas and happy new year!!
Thank you very very much, Kathy!
Merry Christmas and happy New Year for TKO!!!
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