First of all a very warm and summer's welcome to all my Followers! Specially the New Ones! Hope you will have fun here! Welcome!
Second I must say that everything started when I felt in love with Nikki's book stand. I was absolutely amazed this beautiful miniature is made of the jewellery wire. But of course as usual I was just too slow when trying to buy it on Etsy!;)I am sure it has a good home right now.:) Then I saw two absolutely stunning chairs one was made by Tabs and the other one again by Nikki. The jewellery wire is something I could easly find here so I thought I would give it a try. Bought 10m of the wire and was sure it will be even too much for the book stand as I was thinking of making something really simple and without branches for a start.;) 10 meters wasn't too much. It was just exactly what I needed for one simple book stand. This is the first book fitting.
And that's how the book stand looks like now. I added some metal jewellery parts for the legs and arms and painted them black.:) The beautiful book you see on the book stand is one of two I was lucky to win in Nina's first give-away.
As I am to give this idea of making miniatures more than one try I am very happy the jewellery wire is cheap here! :)
Zapatrzyłam się w miniatury z drutu jubilerskiego, które ostatnio pokazały na blogach Nikki i Tabs - wyszły im piękne krzesła i stojak pod książkę, w którym się zakochałam. Jak zwykle na Etsy byłam zbyt wolna i ktos mi ten stojak sprzątnął z przed nosa!;)Ponieważ drut jubilerski można łatwo i za nieduże pieniądze u nas dostać postanowiłam spróbować zrobić sobie podstawkę pod książkę sama. Kupiłam 10 metrów drutu z przekonaniem, że na jeden stojak to stanowczo za dużo i że zostanie mi jeszcze na inne miniaturki, zwłaszcza że stojak nie miał mieć gałęzi bocznych i miał być bardzo prosty w formie. Drutu mi nie zostało. Na ten stojak poszło całe 10 metrów i parę półfabrykatów metalowych na nogi i górę trzymającą książkę. Tę piękną książkę wygrałam w pierwszym give-away'u Niny:)
Hello 2025
2 weeks ago
It is FABULOUS! You've done wonderful job with it, I have to try one also as it's really needed in my witches house :)
Thank you so much, Ira! Hope to see something made of wire in your witches house soon!:D
Yep...I wasn't fast enough to acquire that bookstand either... You did a nice job on yours. Working with wire it fun, don't you think? The possibilities are endless. Though I think I might try to twist Nikki's arm regarding another bookstand.... I have enough on my plate.
Its amazing what can be made with wire. I really love your bookstand. I bet you're pleased with it.
I'm not shocked you used that much wire. Its not expesive but the time it takes with all the winding can take hours. I spent 8 hours winding the wire for the chair.
Hope to see more, its addictive!
Nikki xxx
Thank you so much, Tabs! Yes, it is a lot of fun!:) I am not surprised - Nikki does beautiful miniatures!:D
Thank you so much, Nikki! I am very pleased as it is my first work with wire at all:) Yes, winding takes a loong time but somehow I found it..relaxing. Well, it wasn't 8 hours in my case.;)
Excellent work, Ewa!! It's
You seem to be able to try anything, and succeed!!
Que gran trabajo, te ha quedado fantastico.
No debe ser nada facil, trabajar con el alambre y que de ese maravilloso resultado, enhorabuena!!
besitos ascension
Great work!
Love, Susanne
Absolutely great book stand! I missed so many things - bottles that I just loved, shelves, the whole scene looks amazing. Love to watch all details. Oh, and the night photo - beautiful!
Thank you so much, Glenda! You're very kind for me but it really is not so, I wish minies made by me were a half as great as yours!:)
Thank you so much Ascension, Susanne and Victoria!:D I am so happy you like it, Ladies!:D
O wow, that is one really really fabulous book stand, Ewa. Especially after you added the parts. 10m ? That's a darn long wire! So you didn't use a stick ? Is it just all wires?
Yep, Sans, no stick. What is my 10 meters comparing to Nikkis 50 and 8 hours of wending? ;D
Its brilliant Ewa,cant believe 10 metres of wire are in there , but it looks so good !
julie xxx
Ewa its wonderful! I havnt tried wire myself but would like to so you are very inspiring!I love the look of the book on it, a perfect addition to your project! Kate xx
Thank you so much, Julie and Kate! Kate you must try it one day:) It is a lot of winding but a lot of fun too:)
This is fantastic! I'd like to make one for my dollhouse. :)
Hey Dale, I don't know why but I can't post your comment here. I know I didn't delete it - I have got it in my email too:) Thank you so much and yes you should give it a try!:D
Ah... it showed up. And, here I thought I broke blogland. ;)
Ooooooh! It's lovely Ewa! That's a lot of wire you had to twist, I don't think I'd have the patience.
This is off the subject, but I changed my mind about that EasyCast I've been so highly praising, LOL. You'll find out why on my blog in the next couple of days. :( So I'm glad you didn't run out and buy it. I don't have your e-mail address but thought I'd better let you know.
Dale, hahahahahah! :D
Thank you so much, Kristy! If you have the patience to make these lovely furred little fellows then twisting wire is like nothing for you!!:D
Thanks for the info about the EasyCast - hope to see what you made of it!:)
¡Asombroso como has sabido retorcer el alambre!
El resultado es espectacular.
Te ha quedado un atril precioso.
Besitos, May
Muuuuchas gracias May!!
¡Guuuauuuu!! que trabajo mas increíble!!!
Un beso
Just catching up on all the blogging I've missed and this really caught my eye! This is so fabulous! Great, great work! Love it!
Thank you so much Lorraine!!!It means a lot to me! :D
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