Professor Severus Snape's Office - click on the photo to visit it

"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

Feb 26, 2013

Two (very)Small Projects. Dwa Malutkie Projekty.

This one was for my Dad's Birthday - he always dreams about bonsai, but somehow they never survive for too long here.;) So this one should live longer, I hope!

This is a little cypress tree that I trimmed to look like a grown up miniature tree. I did feel like a murderer when I was cutting it's twigs out... Guess I couldn't be a real gardener.;)

 Anyway there is also a real moss around the tree - you shoud see me digging out through the snow to find it, lol! Two other little trees are cones painted green. The stones and  yellow gravel (there was no white, lol) are from the aquarium store. The chair is a "champagne one".:)

The other project is a little commissioned lantern.

Still in progress, but as you can see it already has a wallpaper, floor and shelf,

 curtains and some butterflies,

and some accessories ready.

Jeden dla mojego Taty - małe cyprysowe bonsai.;) Mam nadzieję, że postoi u nas dłużej niż każde inne.;) Trochę mnie bolało jak przycinałam mu gałązki... Chyba nie mogłabym być ogrodnikiem takim na cały etat... Mech wygrzebałam spod śniegu.;) Ale kamyczki i żwirek są ze sklepu - niestety nie było białego.;) Małe drzewka po bokach to szyszki. Krzesełko z szampana.:)
Drugi to małe zlecenie, wciąż w trakcie, ale ma już tapetę, podłogę, firanki, półeczkę, motylki i różne takie tam akcesoria.:)

Feb 20, 2013

Something new.:) Coś nowego.:)

Finally  I can show you something new.:):)
Some of you may have noticed that what I love most to make when it comes to miniatures are chairs. Not only those easy-to-make-ones but mostly wooden ones. Specially when Someone Special is challenging me to make not one but two kinds of chairs I had never seen before, or these unusual seen on the pages of design (mostly) magazines.

This one is one of these "seen on the pages of magazine".:) I loved it shape, specially legs.

 And boy! It took me ages to make it! Not because it was hard to make but because of real life that made me taking care of everything different than making miniatures. So....I started one afternoon back in....November last year.... and finished it not more than a week ago. LOL!

Original chair on the photo of the magazine was upholstered and was quite dark. I thought of leaving mine "naked" as it gives it king of lightness and tried a few colours - white included -  but somehow it does look best in brown.;)

Sorry for not so perfect light on the photos but we still have not much of the sun and my workshop is also kind of dark.;)

Anyway this chair made from the scratch by me, bit aged but probably won't be looking that old.;), will be a part of my incoming-finally-give-away soon. You can already see the summer hat (made by me too) and scarf which are fixed to the chair and also will be a part of give-away. So stay tuned for more details!;D

 Wreszcie mogę pokazać coś nowego! Trochę mi zajęło zrobienie tej miniatury, bo niestety życie okazało się być bardzo absorbujące i krzesło czekało na dokończenie parę dobrych miesięcy. Zainspirowało mnie zdjęcie tapicerowanego mebla w jednym z naszych magazynów wnętrzarskich. Krzesło miało urocze nogi i postanowiłam zobaczyć "czy mi wyjdzie". I muszę przyznać, że jestem z niego bardzo zadowolona.:) Pozostawiłam je nie tapicerowane, bo wydaje mi się bardzo "lekko" wyglądać bez poduch. Przepraszam że zdjęcia są troszkę ciemne, ale w pracowni niestety światła nie mam za wiele.;) W każdym razie chcę dodać, że krzesło i to co widać na nim na zdjęciach będzie częścią give-away'a mojej Pracowni już niedługo. Muszę jeszcze coś dokończyć.;)  Więcej szczegółów już wkrótce!

Feb 16, 2013

I think she's finally finished completely..Chyba jest już całkiem gotowa...

I think so. Well, I hope so anyway. For now I am quite pleased with all the changes so maybe this is her final look.;)

As you may remember sometime ago I decided to change her make-up . While doing that I completely destroyed her flower hair decoration. Truth is these tiny dry real flowers had no stems at all and just one not careful touch made them falling apart... I left the doll with her "broken" flowers for sometime but I was still thinking of Sans comment about dry flowers..;) I looked through my stash and found out I still had a few of these whole flowers left. I didn't want them to fall apart again so I thought about a fabric band with the flowers on.

Thinking they would last longer as full flowers I used  bit of clear nail polish. But except for giving them a look of fake flowers I didn't make them stronger. At one moment the doll decided to collapse and a few petals were gone...good I had a few more in a box.

 When I was gluing the petals again I thought the band had too big gaps between flowers. So I added two of very delicate dry plant's parts - twigs maybe? At the beginning I added two - one on each side but then I got carried away and this is why you see so many of the twigs among flowers.;)

 I had to change her bouquet as the pink roses didn't match the flowers in her hair. The dress is just at it was more than two years ago. I only added a veil to it.:)

Let me also thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the comments to my last post! They made me feel better and wanting to re-build Snape's Office one day.:) Thank you so much!

Chyba ją całkiem już skończyłam. Po zmianie makijażu, przy którym zniszczyłam jej ozdoby we włosach, postanowiłam naprawić szkody. Na szczęście znalazłam jeszcze takie same kwiatki i tym razem zrobiłam jej opaskę we włosach a do niej przykleiłam kwiatki. Szczerze pisząc nie na wiele to się zdało, bo gdy mi się panna przewróciła i z nowych kwiatków odpadło parę płatków.:( Dobrze, że jeszcze miałam parę w zapasie. Suche "gałązki" zapełniły przerwy pomiędzy kwiatkami. Dodałam też welon i zmieniłam bukiet na bardziej pasujący do kwiatów we włosach

Feb 8, 2013

What a beautiful disaster....:( Jaka piękna katastrofa...:(

Okay, it is not beautiful.
Guess my bad luck is still with me.;) I did plan to post about something nice but....

It's disaster that stroke me today at 07:45 in the morning. Strangely it didn't hit me although I was still sleeping at that time... Dear Sans who was here last year will probably be able to imagine that it could hit me if it did want to...
So what happened? Well..... this is my favourite project now. Yes, Snape's Office upside down....

The Office fell down together with it's shelf which was hanging over my DelPrado dolhouse, 2 meters height... The biggest loss is my laboratory table...

.... the fireplace....

 ...the stool and some beautiful miniatures I was collecting for this project.

I cleaned up the broken walls.... see how much stuff I could still use...

For now that's it. Need to find boxes for all the tiny things.
At this time I am not sure if I rebuild this. Even if I do I am not going to use the clay bricks. Although I think it was not entirely their fault, they made this roombox very heavy....

Tiaaa, może nie piękna, ale to co widzicie to właśnie Gabinet Severusa dzisiejszego ranka.....Spadł wraz z całą półką na której stał...Cóż...nie wiem czy go odbuduję, ale nawet jeśli, to już nie użyję cegiełek. Chociaż mogły nie być przyczyną tej katastrofy, to jednak sprawiły, że roombox był bardzo ciężki....

Feb 1, 2013

Thank you Jennifer!! Dziękuję Ci Jennifer!!

Sometime ago I was one of the very lucky Winners of Jennifer's of Plushpussycat give-away. I won little chocolate cupcakes but I received so much more! Just look at that!

I just love this cat-card!:)

Everything is so sweet and charming! Right for incoming Valentine's Day!

And look at this tiny post-cards! Aren't they cute! And you can see the pictures so clear!

Thank you so much dear Jennifer! I am very happy to have your pretty miniatures home! I will tresure them and surely find place for them to show them off!:)

Take a look at Jennifer's blog! She's having another give-away rigth now!

Jakiś czas temu zostałam jednym ze szczęśliwych zwycięzców give-away'a u Jennifer. Wygrałam czekoladowe muffinki, a dostałam znacznie więcej!  Wszystko urocze i w sam raz na zbliżające się walentynki.;) Zajrzyjcie na bloga Jennifer, właśnie trwa tam kolejny give-away!