Okay, it is not beautiful.
Guess my bad luck is still with me.;) I did plan to post about something nice but....
It's disaster that stroke me today at 07:45 in the morning. Strangely it didn't hit me although I was still sleeping at that time... Dear Sans who was here last year will probably be able to imagine that it could hit me if it did want to...
So what happened? Well..... this is my favourite project now. Yes, Snape's Office upside down....
The Office fell down together with it's shelf which was hanging over my DelPrado dolhouse, 2 meters height... The biggest loss is my laboratory table...
.... the fireplace....
...the stool and some beautiful miniatures I was collecting for this project.
I cleaned up the broken walls....
......to see how much stuff I could still use...
For now that's it. Need to find boxes for all the tiny things.
At this time I am not sure if I rebuild this. Even if I do I am not going to use the clay bricks. Although I think it was not entirely their fault, they made this roombox very heavy....
Tiaaa, może nie piękna, ale to co widzicie to właśnie Gabinet Severusa dzisiejszego ranka.....Spadł wraz z całą półką na której stał...Cóż...nie wiem czy go odbuduję, ale nawet jeśli, to już nie użyję cegiełek. Chociaż mogły nie być przyczyną tej katastrofy, to jednak sprawiły, że roombox był bardzo ciężki....
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1 week ago
Oh dear. Isn't it just the worst when miniatures are damaged beyond repair? Best of luck to you in rebuilding Snape's office; it was a beautiful piece.
Oh no! How awful! I hope you will be able to reuse and repair most of it. What happened with the shelf? Did the screws come loose? Please don't hang the shelf above it again!
Oh, no! I'm so sorry for you!
Yes, the bricks are really, really heavy. I understand that you don't want to rebuild it. What a sad thing. It was so beautiful.
I think I'll cry, Ewa.
I can not believe what happened, it's terrible!
I wish all luck to you and that you can bring the magic back.
Oh, that's just terrible! I hope you can rebuild everything!
OMG co za tragedia, takie cudo całe w rozsypce. Bardzo mi przykro i mam nadzieję że jednak go odbudujesz bo był przepiękny. Trzymaj się.
Oh no! That is absolutely devastating, not only for you, but also for all the people who have enjoyed seeing this work of art. I truly hope you will be able to salvage some of it. Good luck.
OOO,Wat erg,ik hoop dat het nog te reparen is.
groetjes doortje
oooh, what a shame!!!! It was such a wonderful project!!! Good luck with restoring/rebuilding. I really hope you will because it was such a beautiful room!
Wow... that sucks big time! Good luck rebuilding! gr. AM
Dear Ewa, Such dissaster befell over me not long ago and I identify with your frustration. I am sure you will be able to repair most of the damage and who knows, it can be even more beautiful than before.
A good thing no one was hurt.
Hugs, Drora
Oh My, Im so sorry to hear about Snapes Office, From the first pics i though a cat might of got to it.
Storing minis and large mini projects is so hard when lack of space makes us go up.
I hope you can repair most of the office and Im sure that you will think of ideas to make it great once more!
Hello Ewa,
I am so sorry! All your beautiful work that went into that work of art. It is such a shame! I hope there was not too much loss to your beautiful collection of minis. I send you a very special big bear hug!
Oh so bad, but glad that you did not hurt your self . You are so talented, so I think you can renovate the most. Good luck and take care.
Oh Ewa!!! :(:(:(
I cannot Imagine the Distress that must give you... to see all your patient work cracked and Broken... Oh, I am so Sorry this happened to you! Snape's Office was a Fantastic Creation.... Oh, I am SO Sad for you! :(:(:(
OH NO! I am so sorry. It breaks my heart to see things like this.
You are so talented I'm sure you will rebuild it and make it even better than it was before. Some things broken may not be a bad thing as it may make them look more old and well used.
Dear Ewa, I'm so sorry for your loss. It was a truly beautiful project. Thank goodness you have lovely photographs to document your work. I'm sending big hugs your way. :-) xo Jennifer
Ojej... Samo patrzenie boli, strasznie współczuję - taki piękny projekt! Mam nadzieję, że uda Ci się ocalić jak najwięcej i trzymam kciuki za odbudowę!
O Boże...przykro patrzeć na to co się stało z tym niepowtarzalnym cudeńkiem, ten gabinet był po prostu niesamowity... strasznie to wszystko wygląda, tyle pracy, cudownych detali, i te murki z cegiełek ... tak mi przykro...:(
nie rezygnuj z cegiełek, może murki da się jakoś odbudować?
współczuję Ci naprawdę...
Such a dissaster!!!
Glad to hear you don´t hurt your self!
I`m sure you will rebuild it!!!
Greetings and a hug
Oh dearie... I had to look at this post more than one time and still I can't believe it! OMG!!! This is a true desaster! A catastrophe! I've always considered Snape's office as a masterpiece, it inspired me so much - and now it's lying there in ruins. But I'm glad to hear you didn't get hurt... Hope you'll build it some day!
Gosh Ewa I am so sorry to see such a sad thing. It must have been very upsetting for you :( I hope you can save almost all. With your wonderful talent I am sure you can make it wonderful again. Wishing you the best of luck with it.
Hugs Maria
Oh NO, Ewa, this is terrible!!!!!!
I am glad nobody got hurt. I hope you can rebuild it.
When I saw your pictures I thought it were ruins.....sadly it was :(
Warm hugs, Ilona
Lo siento, lo sientooooooo
Que pena, te habia quedado tan bien.
Pero seguro que consigues arreglarla.
Animo, yo se lo que se siente cuando algo asi se pierde.
besitos ascension
Oh no! Ewa, that must be heartbreaking. I've crunched some special minis individually, which felt terrible - I can only imagine the pain of so much work smashed.I wish you all the best as you reconstruct what is truly one of your masterpieces.
I am heart broken for you. I adored this room. I hope in time you will find the energy and desire to fix what you can or rebuild it. I am so very sorry to hear this and worse see the damage.
Aż mi się łzy zakręciły :( Tożto musiało być tak wiele pracy! Straszna szkoda, wygląda nadal pięknie, te miniatury są przepiękne! Można by zrobić z tego fotopamiątkę, ale taką po trzęsieniu ziemi, albo huraganie...albo złych czarach! Trzymam kciuki, żeby jednak udało się choć w części odbudować!
Dearie, you must still be getting over your shock! I am still trying to get over mine. I can totally picture what happened. Firstly, I am so so so so bloody glad you didn't get hurt. Count your blessings, Ewalina. You must be feeling so down. I totally feel your pain.
I agree with Drora though that you will only build it better the next time. Whether or not it is Snappe's office, you must try and make another.
Most of us here remember that office well. We'll miss it but we will be even more excited about your next project. Don't despair, ok?
Kuuurcze :( Ewa strasznie mi przykro... Uratuj ile się da i zrób dla tych skarbów nowy gabinet; widzę zresztą, że wiele przedmiotów ocalało; trzymam kciuki!!! Uda Ci się :)
Napisze tylko: to straszne co się stało. Uwielbiałam sobie patrzeć na zdjęcia roomboxu. Może jednak uda Ci się to poustawiać w nowym wnętrzu. Zrobienie nowej skrzyni i pomalowanie jej, żeby wyglądała na zrobioną z cegły, to nie powinno być trudne dla Ciebie. a potem tylko ustawić resztę sprzętów, wcześniej je posklejać, jeśli się połamały.
Quelle catastrophe ! j'adorais cette scène .Je replonge dans ton blog car je sais que tu es une fan d'Harry Potter et tu as pu voir que je construisais la hutte de Hagrid .Je te souhaite du courage pour tout reconstruire et comme tu l'as dis , les briques d'argile c'est trop lourd et quand cela tombe , c'est l'horreur .Des murs en carton plume recouvert de brique en boite d'oeufs font un très beau rendu .J'espère que la traduction de mon texte sera correcte .A bientôt.
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