Professor Severus Snape's Office - click on the photo to visit it

"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

Aug 31, 2010

Is it Autumn already?

OK, this post is not mini related;) It is the last day of August. We had heavy rains and storm in the night. And this, for a vew minutes, in the morning.....

And some clouds that lately are everywhere and everytime.;)

Still I am pleased the hot weather is finally over....

Parę fotek z poranka po nocy pełnej deszczu i burzy.,:) Tylko parę minut pięknego widoku, bo potem znów chmury...

Aug 29, 2010

The second stool.

Again I don't have a photo of this piece of furniture as it was before I tried to age it.;) This is the first photo of the stool with the first stage of aging I made. This time using sienna acrylic paint wasn't the right choice as the colour of the furniture is wood's light colour and sienna was not really seen on it at all.:)So I used light grey colour instead:)

And here it is almost ready to put in the office. It has got too much of grey colour on the legs right now so I will work on it in the near future.:)
On this side you can see one of absolutely beautiful Nikki's potion bottles I was able to buy sometime ago and two of my simple wooden books.

On the right side: two fab notebooks by very talented Ira on the top and great Slytherine's memory album from equally talented Nina I won in her first give-away.:)

And the view from the above so that you could see my books' covers ;D

Żeby postarzyć drugi taboret musiałam go pomalować tu i tam jasnoszarym kolorem. Okazało się , że przy tej barwie mebla, kolor sienna zupełnie się nie nadaje do tego celu:) Na górze taboretu ustawiłam 2 moje proste drewniane książki, butelkę po eliksirze od Nikki, 2 notesy od Iry i pamiątkową książkę Slytherinu od Niny.

Aug 26, 2010

What's bubbling in this cauldron?

You may remember I was lucky to win Debie Lyons' of Piskies and Poppets give-away. I was so happy to read that because Debie is one of the superb artists around the blogland I just love! :) Debie wrote a few days ago that the gift I was going to get was broken and she replaced it with something else. Another surprise give-away! WOW!!! And look what I found in her parcel! Soooo many great minis!!!! Debie you are amazing!!!!
Love these unicorn's horns and little sculls! The keys are so pretty!

Just look at this toe! Amazingly ugly isn't it? ;D

Love the bottles! I've finally got Bloomslang skin!!!WOW!

And this little portrait - hmmm maybe another "potttery" project? Love his little face!

And hey! Got my own mr skellington!!:D (of course I know this name is reserved for Ira's lovely skellies;) And look what fab hat he's got!!!

And I absolutely love this cauldron! Another great face!!!!

And what's bubbling there....?;)

Fab books...

and these great great minies I may use even
in not-witchy-projects!

Some sweet sweets for the end:)

I also got two fab pumpkins but somehow they are not on the photos. Don't know how it happened..?;)
Thank you Debie very very very much for all fab miniatures! I am really very happy and proud to own them because they are made by you! Thank you with all my heart for your generosity!!!

Jakis czas temu wygrałam ku swojemu wielkiemu zaskoczeniu give-away'a u Debie Lyons. Strasznie się ucieszyłam, bo Debie jest jedną z moich ulubionych artystek na bloglandzie:)Miałam dostać stół z dyniami na halloween, ale gdy Debie wyjęła go z pudełka to się okazało, że jest uszkodzony i zamiast niego przysłała mi te wszystkie wspaniałosci :) Wszystko mi się przyda! :)

Aug 23, 2010

Welcome to the New and "Old" Followers!!

I have never ever dreamed that one day so many people will follow my blog! Over 200 of you now! WOW! I am really in a very positively shock ;) But also I am very grateful you want to drop in and see what's new here.:) Thank you very very much! A very very warm welcome to all my new Followers - the "constant" ones know - I hope;) - they are always warmly welcome here! If I don't follow someone's blog - please let me know, most certainly I couldn't find your blog in the net, so sorry! I am also very happy I can follow your blogs - so many great talents and miniatures around! - you all make me always learning something new! Thank you!!!!!:D
These photos I took yesterday evening and today morning hope you will like them:)

Parę fotek z wczoraj i dzisiaj na powitanie wszystkich "moich" Obserwatorów! :)

Aug 21, 2010

Lainie's give-away:)

Yep, I know I should show some progress on the office to you. I really am working on detiles so there is some very slow one there.;)
But today I want to show what I've won in Lainie's of Lainie's Little Things give-away! That was a real surprise because I only knew I won and didn't know completely what... I saw a photo with already prepared little packets on Lainie's blog and that was it! I had to wait to see all these beautiful miniatures she generously prepared! Just look how many they are!

And here they are! Beautiful pillow, pretty mirrors, love this little face and the roses:)

Love this copper box and the keys:)Perfect for Severus' office!

Beautiful little table and superb resin bottles and printed boxes!!

Lainie's favourite bottle ;)

And the hanging basket I will use in the fantasy garden :)

So many of them!!! Gosh, I am lucky, am I not? Thank you sooooo much Lainie! You made my Friday a very special day!!!!

Do go and see Lainie's blog - I wonder if you could find all "my" minis there;)

Tak wiem, powinnam pisać o tym co słychać na froncie urządzania gabinetu - cos się tam dzieje, choć teraz to już raczej wykańczam detale.;) Ale dzis chciałam Wam pokazać co dostałam z okazji wygrania give-away'a u Lainie! Sama się zdziwiłam ile tych miniaturek znalazło się w przesyłce od niej!!!
Mój faworyt to skrzyneczka z kluczykami;) Są troszeczkę za duże do gabinetu, ale może je tam upchnę?;)

Aug 20, 2010

A tasty treat from Greece!

Have I ever mention that my favourite holidays are spending time on Greek islands? Probably not yet;) Being from Poland means mostly cheaper hotels ;) which is not bad because they are often leaded by a few-generation-family and watching their relationships is one of the most interesting things for me.;) Me and my travel's mate just love to walk around, visit every museum, church, shop, go by car, boat, bus wherever we can and of course take millions of photographs. I love the sun light, the colour of the sky, of the sea, the smell of thyme, or the smell of grill around the taverns or even the sounds of scooters;) And of course I love the food! I am absolutely happy when I have tzatziki, Greek salad, saganaki, souvlaki, cafe frappe and fresh orange juice on the table in front of me!:D There is something on these islands that makes me feel relaxed, no one is in a hurry, slowly doing their things, no rush. I also think I was lucky because I really have no even one bad experience there so far.:)

So what made me to write about this? A gift from very talented Anthoula! Some time ago I sent some bits and pieces I thought they might be useful for her beautifull food miniatures and a couple days ago I got this great tray full of goodies!

I love the transparency of the onion's half dials!:)

And this piece of lemon is so ... sweet!:D

Thank you so much Ahthoula for thinking of me!! I am so happy to have your great minis! I am sure I will order some Greek food from you soon.:D Thank you for your generostity!!

Jakis czas temu wysłałam parę drobiazgów do Anthouli, mając nadzieję, że będzie mogła je wykorzystać przy tworzeniu swoich miniatur żywniosciowych. Dwa dni temu dostałam w podziękowaniu tę tacę z wiktułałami:D Bardzo podoba mi się przezroczystosć tych talarków cebuli i ta cytrynka pływająca w herbatce!:D

Aug 19, 2010

I always repeat .... should open a miniature shop dear Ira!!:D I would be the first and constant buyer there. But I am sooooooo happy I could get these minis as gifts.;) I love them all! And will definately use everything - mostly in the office but some in other projects.

The bigger surprise? The portrait of Severus Snape of course! It is so dark and cool I absolutely love it!! Immediately I started to think of hanging it in front of the office but then again there would be not a "living" office but kind of memory room for Snape ;) Then I thought that maybe I should build Dumbledore's office next, just to hang the portrait in the proper place.;) Well, any suggestion - welcome! ;)

But I also love the rest of the minies - will put all the bottles in the office - finally one shelf less to fill in - I hope!;) The plants will go to the fantasy garden I am thinking of - love the orchids with this kind of flowers!:D
Love the dragon plant - it is just great, the fantasy book - beautiful colours and I love the printies!! and the ink pen - it is so beautiful and delicate!
Thank you for you generosity and for sharing your talents with us - you know I love all the minis you make! :) Thank you with all of my heart!!!!!:D
I think everyone knows Ira's blog but if not then you should drop there right now :D

Może pamiętacie, że ciągle piszę o zaginionej paczce? Ira bardzo się tym przejęła i niedawno wysłała do mnie kolejną paczkę tym razem listem poleconym ;) O mało znów bym jej nie dostała, bo tym razem moja poczta znów nie dostarczyła mi awiza. Na szczęscie przesyłka miała numer nadania, więc pilnie sledziłam jej drogę do mnie w internecie.;) Największe zaskoczenie? Oczywiscie portret Severusa Snape'a! Mroczny i swietny!:D Od razu zaczęłam się zastanawiać co z nim zrobić - najpierw pomyslałam o tym, żeby powiesić go przed gabinetem, ale wtedy pokój stałby się raczej swoistym mauzoleum, a nie użytkowym gabinetem.;) Potem przypomniałam sobie, że portrety dyrektorów wisiały w gabinecie Dumblebore'a...więc może trzeba by go zbudować - oczywiscie tylko po to, żeby powiesić ten portret!;) Inne pomysły mile widziane;) Oczywiscie pozostałe miniatury też mi się bardzo podobają - mam nadzieję, że buteleczki zapełnią mi chociaż jedną pustą półkę.;) Roslinki - w tym moje ulubione storczyki - trafią do planowanego fantazyjnego ogrodu. Smocza roslina i książka pewnie też, fantastyczne i delikatne pióro trafi na biurko w gabinecie. Jesli ktos jeszcze nie zdążył zwiedzić bloga Iry to zapraszam tam serdecznie.:)

Aug 13, 2010

Isn't it lovely? :D

Of course it is! Not only lovely but beautiful, charming, elegant, pretty, sophisticated, wonderful, etc:D I absolutely love Kat's hats equally the witche's and the period's ones. Sometimes I truly am sorry we don't wear the hats like in old days anymore ;), they were so beautiful! When I saw this one of 1901 I just knew I HAD TO have it! Didn't hesitate a second and bought it as fast as I could so that no one would buy it sooner!;) Today it has just arrived and I just simply LOVE it! It is just AMAZING work! So many pretty detiles! The photos don't do it justice! It is absolutely perfect hat!

Thank you soooooo much for making it Kat!!! I really am very very happy to own it! :D

Ten kapelusz z 1901 roku to dzieło Kat. Całkowicie się w nim zakochałam od pierwszego wejrzenia ;)! Zdjęcia nie oddają piękna tego małego nakrycia głowy, jest poprostu cudnej urody!I bardzo się cieszę, że udało mi się go zdobyć! :)Tradycyjnie polecam blogi Kat - i ten z kapeluszami dla czarownic i ten niedawno powstały z kapeluszami historycznymi!Koniecznie tam wpadnijcie!:)

Aug 10, 2010

The Poppet Story

Just who do you say knows the weather best?!;)

No to kto się zna niby lepiej na pogodzie?!;)

Aug 8, 2010

The stool no 1.

I don't have the photo of the stool before aging it, so you have to imagine the white and black simple clean stool.;) Again it is a DHE purchase. I have to admit I had a problem with the white part of the stool and am not really pleased with it. I didn't know how to make it older without staining it with the tea.:) Decided to paint it here and there with light grey and accomplished this stage.

Still am not really happy about it.:( The legs are again treated with sienna and grey acrylic paints. The stool is dressed up with Laraine's great newspapers - I still feel guilty gluing them together and putting them somewhere under anything...LOL - and with the students' exercise books - as this was the moment I completely forgot (while making books like crazy some time ago) the Hogwarts students use parchment scrolls to do their homework! ;) Anyway here is the final stage of the stool no 1.

Taboret nr 1 nie był łatwy do postarzenia i szczerze pisząc wciąż nie jestem zadowolona z efektu końcowego. Zupełnie nie wiedziałam jak się zabrać za białą częsć taboretu, a nie chcialam używać herbacianej esencji, bo nie o plamy mi chodziło. W końcu zdecydowałam się pomalować fragmenty jasnoszarą farbą akrylową - efekt widać na pierwszej fotografii. Nogi zostały potraktowane sienną i tym samym jasnoszarym kolorem. Na taborecie znalazły się cudnej urody gazety od Laraine - wciąż mam wyrzuty sumienia sklelając je razem czy układając je pod spodem innych rzeczy :P - i zeszyty uczniów Hogwartu, które "popełniłam" ongis, w ferworze tworzenia mini książek i zeszytów, zupelnie zapominając, że piszą oni swoje prace domowe na zwojach pergaminu, a nie w zeszytach...;)

Aug 5, 2010

Wonderful gifts!!!!

Dearest Sans, you are spoiling me rotten!! (I sent you an email yesterday by the way ;)) Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Everything is just beautiful!!! Love'em all!!:D
Just look at what I've got from Sans!

Aren't they beautiful?! The perfect flowers for the Fantasy Garden and Orchidarium I am making plans to make :) I just love the plant on the log!
And the rest of minis are going to go to Snape's office.:) Be ready for a surprise!! HA!

Aren't they just ideal???:D And the bests of the bests for the end. Once I saw this hour-glass on one of Nikki's blogs (the one that is no longer existing but I managed to copy this picture on my laptop;))

And thought how cool it would be to have something like that in the office... And ....just look at this! I absolutely adore this hour-glass! What a fab idea Sans!!!!! I love your imagination!

And something I was waiting for! Sans went to Traditional Chinese Medicine shop just to get some herbs for my project!!! She also told me the story about this adventure.:) Getting them wasn't so easy, was it Dear?;)

WOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! Aren't they unusual?!;)Have no idea what their names are, but I hope Sans will tell me them one day! :D

If anyone of you have never visited Sans' blog yet go there right now! You don't know what you are missing! Her India fascination is equal to her knowledge about this country and to her talent for minis!
Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much Sans once again!!!!!!

Sans postanowiła przysłać mi trochę ziół chińskich do mojego projektu, no i sami zobaczcie ile rzeczy "dorzuciła"! Piękne kwiaty nadadzą się perfekcyjnie do planowanego fantazyjnego ogrodu i również planowanego orchidarium. A te swieczniki czyż nie są w sam raz do gabinetu Snape'a??? Mój absolutnie ukochany przedmiot to oczywiscie cudnej urody klepsydra!!!! No i zioła na koniec. Sans specjalnie dla mnie wybrała się do sklepu tradycyjnej medycyny chińskiej, a zdobycie tych ziół wcale nie okazało się takie proste. Wciąż nie znam ich nazw i czekam na wiesci od Sans. Jak tylko mi napisze co to jest to dam znać.:) Póki co wszystkie mocno pachną wędzonym dymem:) Koniecznie wpadnijcie na bloga Sans - jest absolutnie niezwykły, a jej fascynacja Indiami równa jest wiedzy o tym kraju!:)

Aug 1, 2010

A chair.

Slowly working on the seatings.:) Here is the original look of the elegant chair from DHE.

The fist stage of getting it older.;) I used only sienna acrylic paint first.

I really wasn't sure about greying the fabric but to so much "used" wood, white fabric looked a bit strange. ;) Added light grey acrylic paint also on the wood.:)

And the chair dressed up with Lorraine's fab newspapers and books made by me.

Z wolna pracuję nad miejscami siedzącymi. Dzis pokazuję Wam przemianę eleganckiego krzesła. Nie byłam pewna co do zmiany koloru tapicerki, ale biel za bardzo kontrastowała z mocno zużytym drewnem.:)Do "zużycia" drewna wykorzystałam farbki akrylowe w kolorze sienna i jasny szary, ten ostatni także do zmiany koloru tapicerki. Na krzesle moje ulubione gazety od Lorraine i książki zrobione przez mnie.:)