Professor Severus Snape's Office - click on the photo to visit it

"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

Aug 5, 2010

Wonderful gifts!!!!

Dearest Sans, you are spoiling me rotten!! (I sent you an email yesterday by the way ;)) Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Everything is just beautiful!!! Love'em all!!:D
Just look at what I've got from Sans!

Aren't they beautiful?! The perfect flowers for the Fantasy Garden and Orchidarium I am making plans to make :) I just love the plant on the log!
And the rest of minis are going to go to Snape's office.:) Be ready for a surprise!! HA!

Aren't they just ideal???:D And the bests of the bests for the end. Once I saw this hour-glass on one of Nikki's blogs (the one that is no longer existing but I managed to copy this picture on my laptop;))

And thought how cool it would be to have something like that in the office... And ....just look at this! I absolutely adore this hour-glass! What a fab idea Sans!!!!! I love your imagination!

And something I was waiting for! Sans went to Traditional Chinese Medicine shop just to get some herbs for my project!!! She also told me the story about this adventure.:) Getting them wasn't so easy, was it Dear?;)

WOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! Aren't they unusual?!;)Have no idea what their names are, but I hope Sans will tell me them one day! :D

If anyone of you have never visited Sans' blog yet go there right now! You don't know what you are missing! Her India fascination is equal to her knowledge about this country and to her talent for minis!
Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much Sans once again!!!!!!

Sans postanowiła przysłać mi trochę ziół chińskich do mojego projektu, no i sami zobaczcie ile rzeczy "dorzuciła"! Piękne kwiaty nadadzą się perfekcyjnie do planowanego fantazyjnego ogrodu i również planowanego orchidarium. A te swieczniki czyż nie są w sam raz do gabinetu Snape'a??? Mój absolutnie ukochany przedmiot to oczywiscie cudnej urody klepsydra!!!! No i zioła na koniec. Sans specjalnie dla mnie wybrała się do sklepu tradycyjnej medycyny chińskiej, a zdobycie tych ziół wcale nie okazało się takie proste. Wciąż nie znam ich nazw i czekam na wiesci od Sans. Jak tylko mi napisze co to jest to dam znać.:) Póki co wszystkie mocno pachną wędzonym dymem:) Koniecznie wpadnijcie na bloga Sans - jest absolutnie niezwykły, a jej fascynacja Indiami równa jest wiedzy o tym kraju!:)


Ascension said...

ENHORABUENA!!!!Son unos regalos preciosos!!!!!
Me encantannnnnnnnn!!!!
Sans es una gran artesana y me gusta muchisimo, visitar su blog.
El reloj de arena es simplemente perfecto.
besitos ascension

Merry Jingle said...

They are fabulous, I love those candle holders and the hour glass is amazing!

The Old Maid said...

Very true Ladies, very true!:D

Glenda said...

Such unusual minis!! Dear Sans, spreading the love! I like the hourglass and mysterious herbs - perfect for Snapey :))

The Old Maid said...

Aren't they, Glenda? ;)

CWPoppets said...

Oh, wow ! The hour-glass is stunning.

Anonymous said...

Ewa chyba będę częsciej komentować..taki polski akcent się może przyda :)) Fajnie dostawać prezenty w dodatku TAKIE! klepsydra jest niesamowita. Też sobie zrobię tylko w bardziej klasycznym stylu.

The Old Maid said...

Bardzo się cieszę! Koniecznie!:D

Sans! said...

This post has made me very happy, Ewa :). It is nice to know sometimes I get it right. I wish I made the hourglass but all I did was to add the little stand at the end and still I could not make it stand. :)I must tell you though when I saw it for the 1st time in a shop filled with things, I immediately thought of you. And now I found out that you have been wanting one. Isn't it amazing how our minds work? Telepathy!

The Old Maid said...

:D Yep, the telepathy it must have been ;D Thank you soooo much once again Sans!!!!! You made me so happy with this gifts!:D Hope you will give me the names of the herbs one day ;)

Sans! said...

O dear Ewa, I wish I knew !!!! Ok, I will see what I can dig out. All the "ingredients" in this package came from a single concoction that my mum used to make soups. These soups are beneficial for better strength and immunity against diseases. I know it all sound so vague but I am afraid that's all I know :).

There is a book on Chinese Herbs at If ever you read it, then you must let me know what these herbs are !! I hate Chinese medicine by the way, those brewed and done the traditional way. I always imagine I am drinking poison while my mum is scolding me for taking so long with it!! :):)

The Old Maid said...

Hahahahaaha! :D Love it! Will check out that book later and let you know.;)

nikkinikkinikki72 said...

Beautiful gifts and love how Sans made the hour glass. Loved the hour glass myself and have always wanted to make one in mini too, so its nice to see yours in mini.
The herbs i love the colours of.

The Old Maid said...

Oh, I wish you'd make an hour glass! Wouls love to see it! I am sure it would be a fab one!:)