The fist stage of getting it older.;) I used only sienna acrylic paint first.

I really wasn't sure about greying the fabric but to so much "used" wood, white fabric looked a bit strange. ;) Added light grey acrylic paint also on the wood.:)

And the chair dressed up with Lorraine's fab newspapers and books made by me.

Z wolna pracuję nad miejscami siedzącymi. Dzis pokazuję Wam przemianę eleganckiego krzesła. Nie byłam pewna co do zmiany koloru tapicerki, ale biel za bardzo kontrastowała z mocno zużytym drewnem.:)Do "zużycia" drewna wykorzystałam farbki akrylowe w kolorze sienna i jasny szary, ten ostatni także do zmiany koloru tapicerki. Na krzesle moje ulubione gazety od Lorraine i książki zrobione przez mnie.:)
It's absolutely beautiful, love it :)
A mi me encanta como te ha quedado, el envejecido esta genial y con los libros y diarios encima hacen un conjunto perfeto, enhorabuena.
besitos ascension
Looks great! Don't you just love taking and ordinary piece of furniture and making it interesting?
Thank you, Ladies! I think you are right Tabs!:D
You've aged the chair really well, Ewa!
Fantastic!I love the new look!
Good Job!
Pity that chair - first he lost his youth and then he gained all this load to carry (lol).
You did a terrific job, Ewa, thanks for sharing these pictures with us.
Nice aging process, you may have already tried dilute tea or coffee for aging the fabric, you can build up the colour gradually, but of course it would be more of a brown colour. Looks fabulous with the stack of old books, a real bookworm's room.
Brigit :D Thank you Ladies! Margaret thank you for the tip, have never tried it yet :)
I really love this, Ewa -- so atmospheric! Love your books, too!
Looks absolutely fabulous!!!
Ewa, I really prefer the chair now after you have aged it! :). Those books on it makes it even better. Great job !
Thank you, Nina! Thank you, Lorraine!Thank you, Sans!:D
You've done great job with the chair, I loved it! And those books are perfect, I could never make as good as yours!
Thank you so much Victoria! The books are really very simple ones I am pretty sure soon yours would be much better than mine.;)
Krzesełko nabrało wyrazu i cudownie zagracone :)
Dzięki za mołe słowa kochana Anais :D
Dzięki za miłe słowa kochana Anais :D
I love how you presented it! wonderful!
Thank you of your always wonderful comments. i am glad that you like my fairies' forest. if you need for your fantasy scene, let me know. You know that I love fantasy!! :)
Thank you so much Ladies! Eva I will remember that for sure!:D
Las sillas son una preciosidad, me encantan las antiguedades
Un abrazo
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