Anyway I will show you my fantasy dress as I promissed:) This is the inspiration, Thierry Mugler's dress of 1995.

And my version of it.

Didn't I say the make-up is much worse than the first one?;)
Glad you didn't see her first haircut! I couldn't cope with the strands! They didn't want to glue to the doll's head so she landed up with really big head. She stood in front of me for a few weeks and I didn't know what to do with her. Finally I took the scissors and cut the hair off!

And I also made a pair of little shoes - as you can see they are smaller than the originally sculpted ones.:)

The description was: This is our Viva Las Vegas! dress. Every woman needs to feel like a star at least once in her lifetime! Glittering gold, fethers shawl, big colorful jewellery. This dress will give you the confidence of a star during every party
Oczywiscie nie wygrałam.;) Z tego co napisała Dana sędziowie mieli tak różne opinie, że udało się wybrać tylko pierwsze miejsca.:) Wygrały piękne kreacje. Kathi i Lucie robią lalki profesjonalnie nic dziwnego więc, że ich sukienki były najładniejsze.:) Tak czy siak jak obiecałam tak pokazuję Wam ostatnią sukienkę na GAHP czyli sukienkę fantazyjną. Tym razem inspiracją była kreacja Thierrego Muglera z 1995r. A nie mówiłam,że ten makijaż jest jeszcze gorszy od pierwszego?;) Dobrze, że nie widzielicie pierwszej fryzurki tej lalki. Zupełnie nie mogłam sobie poradzić z włosami, nie chciały się przykleić do porcelany i w końcu lalka miała na głowie ogromną fryzurę....Tak sobie stała przede mną przez parę tygodni, a ja nie wiedziałam co mam z nią zrobić...W końcu wzięlam nożyczki i obcięłam te nieszczęsne włosy. Zrobiłam też maleńkie buciki - jak widać są mniejsze od oryginalnie wyrzeźbionych w porcelanie:)Strój nazywa się Viva Las Vegas.;)
I think you were very courage to enter this competition as a beginner. Just remember that the winners (who have obviously been dressing dolls for a while)all started out as beginners. It just takes practice. And scale of fabric and trims is very important. And it helps to have a nice doll with good hair, too.
I used to love costuming but I hated wigging so I stopped doing it. I should have just practiced wigging more, I guess. You can use mannequins to practice dressing. Either buy the plastic Chrysenbaum ones or make them yourself out of Fimo, if you a nicely formed doll for a mold.
I think you did a nice job. :-)
Ewa, she looks fabulous!! You have done superb work here, and it's so much fun - she radiates glamour!!
Well done Ewa, you should feel very proud. I adore her shoes they are so glamorous.
Thank you Tabs! I do think the winners' dolls were beautifully dressed! And have no problem with that ;) You are absolutely right everything needs practise:D I wish I could see the dolls you made!
Thank you so much Glenda!I am so happy you like her!:D
Thank you so much Janice! I had fun making them :)
Hi Ewa,I think Tabitha gave you some good adivise. I am very shy of competitions too and you have taught me to try it anyways. I love your atitude and I honestly liked your doll. I just want to tell you something that I do when it comes to painting the faces of my dolls but please this is just the way that I do and may not be something that you like but I find that black is not a good color to be used specially in such small scale. Dark brown is best ... it will give a good contrast without standing out too much like the eyebrowns for ex.
Over all you did a very nice job and perfect shoes I must add... I can't make shoes as nice as you do! Warm hug from a friend artist~Smiles, Pat
Lalka sprawia wrażenie bardzo luksusowej kobiety. Kreacja oryginalna, kolorowa, z "odrobiną szaleństwa":). A buty - rewelacja!
Thank you so much for the advice Patricia! It's probably I still think I can use the colours just like in 1:1 scale;) I will remember now not to paint the face with black!:D Thank you soooo much!! Big hug to you Patricia!
Strasznie się cieszę, że Ci się buty podobają Zosiu! Robiąc je naprawdę dobrze się bawiłam.:) Wychodzi na to, że najlepiej mi buty wychodzą.;) Dziękuję Ci za miłe słowa!:)
I think you did a wonderful job. I like her and I really like the black dress doll! I've just started out making dolls. Their makeup is always heavy handed! It's great that you got out there!
She is wonderful!
I absolutely adore the shoes. :)
My size is 8. ;) LOL!
I just want to say thankyou so very much, Ewa, for taking the effort to offer your posts in English!! Without this we would not have met you and found out what a sweet lady you are!
I can follow some few other languages (painfully slowly!!) but I have lost the ability to write in them - the elastic of my brain has lost its stretch!!
I look and look at Polish, but I can't work it out!!! :D So, again, thankyou!
xxx Glenda
Ewa I think you did a great job on the costuming.Susan and patricia both give good advice.I too never use black on the faces unless it is a geisha girl !
Your shoes are wonderful :0)
julie xxx
Thank you so much heather! Hope to see your dolls soon!:)
Thank you Dale!:D I will remember this!:D
Glenda you're wayy to kind for me!!:D I wouldn't met you and all these wonderful people here writing in Polish.;) Hope you all don't mind my mistakes;)
Julie, thank you very very much! I appreciate all the advice I am getting from the professional doll makers very much!Thank you!
Kreacja wyszła Ci pięknie:)Wygląda naprawdę profesjonalnie. Buty prezentują się wspaniale. Ogólnie cała laleczka jest śliczna:))
Bardzo Ci dziękuję za miłe słowa!:)
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