For the other side of the door, here is what I used:

(And a bit of glue of course;)) The cardboard is thiner this time so it was easy to cut:) The pattern just jumped out of my head straight on the paper ;) Also easy to cut - as I am lazy - remember?;) I cut this pattern four times and glued two together so that the hinges were a bit thicker. Except for the big parts you see above I cut also four smaller/narrower parts just to make door looking more interesting.

To finish the door I need just one more thing...
It looks just fabulous! And the snakes are a great idea :)
Klamka czy może gałka jeszcze została! Bardzo mi się podoba jak "zużyłaś" drzwi!
Que rapida eres!!!!
La puerta por dentro esta muy real, me encanta y por fuera te ha quedado como si fuesen serpientes genial!!!
Yo creo que falta por fuera la cerradura no? y la llave.....
besitos ascension
Thanks so much Ira!The snakes will probably appear like you skeletons here and there;)
Dzięki serdeczne Zosiu! Tak, zdecydowanie tego brakuje, choć pewnie będzie to raczej jakiś uchwyt niż klamka. W każdym razie coś innego niż w środku ;)
Muchas gracias Ascension. No, it is neither the key nor the lock, they both are inside the office :) It is kind of la picaporte :) Besitos!
Your hinges certainly do NOT look like paper!
They are wonderful and very creative!
Hi, I recently joined your list of followers and today read your blog in one go, so I'm up to date with your project. Very interesting and I will keep following for a while to come. Love what you have done with your door too! And those bricks are a very good idea. One of my sons used them in the past. Must ask what he's done with them.... :-) I think I could put them to good use after reading this. Cheers
Ewa, I like your door very much :). Love the red and how you have "weathered " the edges especially. Your door look strong and sturdy, I can almost hear it creaking.
Wow that a looks amazing, when I saw the door on the last post I loved it and thought, hmmm how will you do that? But now I see and you make it look so easy! I have to try!! thannks for the tips! Kate xx>
Thak you so much Kathi!
Welcom eMarion! It is so nice to have you here! Thank you so much for the nice comment!Hope you will find those bricks and use them well :)
Thank you so much Sans. Glad you like it:)
Thank you Kate! Do try! It is easy :)
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