It was supposed to be an easy, fast and simple job. It wasn't. To my surprise of course. The boardings became mean. They were too long or too short. They didn't want to glue to each other. They didn't want to stay straight up. I got so angry and threw one of the shelvings the trash... Finally I took the cement from the bricks sets out and built the shelvings in. And there was an easy part of constructing them too - the painting ;)

For now there are three shelvings there. I am thinking about one more but that will wait until I plan where to put the tables, cupboard and chairs:)
I love the shelving Ewa and you've done it perfectly too.:o)) Prof. Snape has VERY basic shelving that's the best part of his Office and Room! lol
Michelle xxx
Las estanterias te han quedado genial, el suelo y la pared es un maravilla, estoy deseando que empieces a poner muebles.
Siento que te haya dado tanta faena el pegar las estanterias, pero has encontrado la solucion perfecta
besitos ascension
They look fab! And I know the feeling, you think something is done quick and it ends up to be a major pain in the ass :D
Thank you so much, Michelle!I never wanted anything fancy for the shelvings but sometimes I have a feeling Snape likes elegant detiles when he is in Hogwarts;)
Thank you so much, Ascension! I am glad they look better than I thought after all this fight with them ;)Besitos!
Thank you so much, Ira! I know that and still it surprises me sometimes how easy stuff can be such pain ;)
I think these shelves look wonderful Ewa,
they were well worth the trouble you took to make them :0)
julie xxx
Thank you so much, Julie! I am so glad you like them:)
Hi Ewa, I am glad you kept on with the shelves I think they are perfect for the office. Snape would perhaps have the odd elegant or distinctive on the more rustic shelves. His own precious items that he has collected?
The built-in shelving is really perfect in this setting, it's a wonderful project to watch :)
Thanks for your comment on my window dilemma :)
It is perfect, wow! All the efforts were worth it!
Yes, all that scolding and beatings have made them behave, Ewa. They now stand up really straight, are united nicely and look positively neat and pretty!
Thank you, Janice! For his precious things he's got the cupboard I think ;)
Thank you so much Norma! I am so glad you like it!:)
Thanks so much Victoria! I am so happy you like it too:)
Thank you so much, Sans! It really was a battle ;)
I think it looks great Ewa... The shelving enhance the atmosphere of the room.
Thanks a lot Annie! Glad you like it :)
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