That's the last thing to finish work on the office's door:) I was thinking of something plain and simple - that means: to buy from Emporium or somewhere else:) But then there were a few posts about Rick Pierce around the Blogland and I thought I would like something alike he is making. So I took the box with metal jewelery parts I love to collect;) I picked three parts up.

See? I saw it at once ;) On the picture above you see the close-up of the wall and floor in front of the door:)You can see the eye of the snake too ;)
I put two parts together by pressing them hard with pilers. Then I painted them black.

And glued three party together - it was quite hard to do actually but finally metal parts gave in and joined each other together ;)

And the door are finished.

Still think that this wall needs some last tauches: the light? Or a chair? What do you think?
This looks most effective! Fabulous work Ewa!!! :o))
Michelle xxx
Oh my goodness, Ewa, that is GORGEOUS! Bravura work, my dear! Maybe a little light would emphasise your creation nicely, but it will have to be a really atmospheric light to be as good looking and appropriate as your door :)
Thank you so much Michelle! Glad you like it:)
Thank you so so much Nina! (for a moment I thought you've already left for England ;))Hmmm light then! I need to find something really properly looking ;)
SO good, Ewa, both the door and the handle. I also have that little bead/ornament-thing too, but I never thought of using it that way. Very creative!
Love, Susanne
Very creative...looks great on the door. And it is a light that you need on that wall...and maybe a bench also..
What an amazing job you have done! I love the door and the door handle. A light would be perfect.
LOL I like the English comment for Nini, Ewa! lol very funny. ;o)))
Michelle xxx
The handle is fantastic! Ray Storey has this fab Tudor wall torch
I think some moss between the tiles would look quite nice :)
I love love love it! That knocker is amazing and the door looks so cool with that ironwork look! I really am inspired!! Kate xx
Thank you, Suzanne! I am glad someone has the same "hobby"!;)
Thank you Tabitha! Yes, the light is most certainly going to be there. I don't know about the bench - Snape probably would prefer the students to wait standing;)
Thank you, Pan! Glad you like it!
Thank you, Michelle! I really was thinking so...;)
Thank you so much, Ira! Specially for the link! Will think about that moss...:)
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Kate! Hope to see some minis of this inspiration on your blog soon!:)
This is looking amazing! I just love the door!
Thank you so much, Glenda! I am so glad you like it! :)
Has conseguido que parezca un picaporte viejo en años, genial!!!
Con los herrajes de la puerta queda fantastico.
Quizas una luz quedaria bien, pero una luz que no alumbrase demasiado, para no perder esa magia, que tiene la fachada y la puerta.
Enhorabuena, un magnifico trabajo!!!
besitos ascension
Thank you so much, Ascension!That's what I am going to look for and hope it will not spoil the so-far-effect;)Besitos!
This looks totally amazing. I love the handle and the finish on the Door.
What an awesome idea... would never have guessed that it was just made by jewelry findings! Everything looks so great...
That door is looking such wonderful!! I love it.
Wonderful job you've done so far! And I agree with you : why buying already made things when we can do beautiful items such as your handle just taking some bits and using our imagination! I love creating from scratch and am deligthed also when other people do!
For the wall, I agree with Ira: some moss should look nice. And why not a torch?
His works are fantastic.
A carmen hug.
Thank you, Debbie!I am so glad you like it!:)
Thank you so much, Annie!I am so glad you like it as I love your ideas too:)
Thank you, Karin!
Thank you so much, Tom! I am thinking really about that torch, I really am:)
Yes, I agree with you Dora, his works are fantastic:)
¡Me encanta lo que haces! y el herraje es maravilloso !!¡felicidades!!
Thank you, Flor! And welcome! It is nice to have you here!
Love the door hinges!!
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