Of two different sides.
Yup, sewn.
And a few more things for her bed that still is not existing just yet. Except for the prettiest pillows from dear Dale I sew a few more and a blanket.
I love beds with as many pillows as it can accommodate.
Hope you will like them! I think she does. Well at least she is not complaining on my sewing skills.LOL!
Because I could still work using old blogger interface I decided to post it a bit earlier than I planned. Before they turn it off that is. And I will have to put dots while changing subject and wanting some space for paragraph again.:(
Nie wiem jak to się dzieje, ale P'Nilli powoduje, że staram się dla niej szyć zamiast kleić.;)Ja i szycie...jasne. Ale próbuję. Stąd nowa, uszyta i całkiem pierwsza P'Nilliowa torebka o dwóch różnych stronach. Tak, uszyta. I koc oraz parę nowych poduszek do wciąż nie istniejącego łóżka. Bardzo lubię łóżka z duuuużą iloscią poduszek. Mam nadzieję, że się Wam spodobają. Jej chyba się podobają, w każdym razie nie narzeka.;)
Ten post został opublikowany nieco wczeniej niż planowałam, bo chciałam skorzystać jeszcze ze starego interface'u bloggera zanim go wyłączą. I znów żeby zrobić akapit będę musiała stawiać masę kropek.:(
Lucky P'Nilli, if this is what came out when you say you can't sew. The bag is absolutely beautiful and the bed gorgeous.
Thank you Drora!! May I just say that the bag was supposed to look a bit different when I was planning to do it! LOL! So you see I still am far away from this skill!
Lubię kiedy tworzysz dla P'Nilli,
te rzeczy są takie inne niż wszystko. Nie wiem czy to polega na tym jakich używasz wzorów i dodatków, czy jak dobierasz kolory...nie wiem, ale wszystko jest takie słodkie i świeże.
The bag s soooo lovely,and the bed looks very comfortable with all those beautiful pillows :)
Hugs Mieke xxx
I can already see it coming - this blog will soon be called "The Sewing Hours" - you did it!!! And the world is still turning around! (LOL) Now, without any further silly jokes - great job, no surprise P'Nilli is totally satisfied. And in her bed she's going to have the sweetest dreams, that's for sure!
EWA!!!!! What can I say But GORGEOUS Bags!!!! I am Serious! They are Beautiful! (I will let you in on a secret.... MY sewing never comes out like I think it will either!!!)
And that bedcover and the pillows!!!! I LOVE them!!!
Do NOT stop...your sewing is only going to get better with practice... and when you make such lovely things to Start with.... people will be asking if you make them for sale!!!
Lucky P'Nilli!
La bolsa es muy bonita,
Pero la colcha y esos cojines son geniales!
Un abrazo
You're a good seamstress!
I loved the bag.
Precioso el bolso y la cama quedo muy bonita!!!
Felicidades por tan lindo trabajo.
Torba jest fenomenalna, sama chciałabym taką mieć (najchętniej w skali 1:1 :D) Zdecydowanie - umiesz szyć!
Hang on Ewalina, you mean you stitch that bag? Like cross stitch? OMG! That's a beautiful design. In fact, I was looking at something like this for my trolley bag . Peonies and roses are big now and totally in fashion :) Oriental is in again :). I am so %^$# impressed with you! Even if you didn't x-stitch it, it's still beautiful. Put it on your etsy!
You and me the same about pillows with load of beds. I think I am going to so love P'Nilli's house. Seriously. It is hobo chic, totally me.
Dzięki Magdo! Tak się kiedyś nad tym zastanawiałam i myślę, że to zasługa P'Nilli. Ona jest taka kolorowa i ten jej fotel z piórami i koronkami. Chyba to własnie powoduje, że mnie motywuje do wykorzystania kolorów, koralików, piórek i takich tam.;)
Thank you so much Mieke!! Happy you like them!!
Hahahahaha Brigit!!!! You always make mi laugh! No, I don't think the blog will ever change it's name to sewing. Guess glue has got my heart for good.;D
Thank you so much Dear!
Hugs and kisses!
Ohhh Betsy!!! It is sooo good to know you - my sewing Guru - think the same way about things looking different once sewn! LOL!
Thank you soooooooo much!!! And I am so happy you like them!!!
Muchisimas gracias Rosamargarita!!!!! So happy you like them too!!!
Thank you very veru much Eliana!!!
Muchas gracias Carmen!!! Happy you like them!
Serdeczne dzięki Zosiu! Nooo na tyle materiału to ja nie mam! Zresztą jeszcze bym się nie podjęła szycia na "dużą" skalę.;D
Cieszę się, że się podoba!
Stich, dear Sans? Nope, I never mentioned that here.;D It's only sewn.
But that is quite interesting idea, although I am not as patient as Rosanna to do so...;)
I just wrote a comment in Polish I don't know what it is but I guess it's P'Nilli who makes me think or look at colours and patterns different way. It's probably because she is colourful herself and this chair of her with feathers and lace...
When I think of her house I almost know how it is going to look like. Hope I am not going to spoil it.;)
The bag is gorgeous. I love the fabric you used. All your pillows are wonderful. P'Nilli is very lucky she now can have lots of beautiful bags ;)
Hugs Maria
El bolso es simplemente precioso y la colcha.......me enamore de ella, me encanta!!!!!
besitos ascension
Hahaha Maria! I don't know if I am ready to make more bags for her.Lol!
Thank you so much! Happy you like them!
Wow! Muchisimas gracias querida Ascension!! I guess I must think of making a few bags like this then. ;D
Hugs and kisses!
Sew, stitch or stick, I don't care. I want to buy one. Will email you :)
Piękne i kolorowe. Ja róznież lubię dużo poduszek na dużych łóżkach:) Ciekawa jestem jak to wszysxtko będzie się prezentowało w końcowym efekcie:)
Hahahaha Sans!!!!! Emailed you back!
Oj Effcia też jestem ciekawa!!;D Na razie pomysłów mam kupę i chyba najbardziej się boję, że rzeczywistość nie dorówna marzeniom.;D
Hi Ewa!! You can not sew????? I don't think so, the bag is lovely and the bedding is wonderful!!
Hugs, Ilona
Thank you so much Ilona!!! I really really can't sew! These were only simple stichings, nothing complicated!
I love the beaded bed spread and pillows. It reminds me of antique miniatures you used to see in doll houses, before the era of so many commercially made items being available. Back when everything was hand made.
Thank you so much! Good there are a lot of people who make miniatures themselves on blogland still!;)
El bolso es muy lindo Ewa Ü
Y la colcha ÖÖÖ ¡Preciosa!!
Un abrazo
Happy you like them Flor!!! Gracias!!
Hmm, I have the same problem with my dolls, they always make me work too much for them! :D
Love your work! Big hugs,
Yup! I guess they have some invisible powers.LOL!
Thank you so much Mijbil!!
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