The floor is made of simple wooden cup mats. I cut them into pieces and glued onto the octagonal cardboard. Then I covered the wood with a few layers of brown glass paint. This paint always gives such a nice shine. And that's it.:)

Hope you like it.:)
Czas już chyba powiedzieć, że szklarenka nie będzie już szklarenką, choć niewątpliwie parę roslinek się tam znajdzie. Temu małemu projektowi nadałam nazwę "My little Pleasure". Wkrótce opowiem dlaczego.:) Póki co, pokazuję bardzo prostą podłogę. Jest ona zrobiona z drewnianych podstawek pod szklanki. Przycięłam je do potrzebnej wielkosci i nakleiłam na osmioboczny kartonik. Później pokryłam drewno paroma warstwami brązowej farbki do szkła. Dzięki temu uzyskałam efekt podłogi na wysoki połysk.:)
Ewa el suelo te ha quedado precioso, un acierto darle con esa pintura queda genial.
Me tienes intrigada.........sino sera solo de plantas.......que habra?
besitos ascension
It is beautiful :)
Its amazing Ewa! I would never have thought of using glass paint but what an effect it gives. I have to do some floors in that, its so glossy and looks fab! Cant wait to see what your plan is! Kate xx
wonderful! I love the colorful walls of glass! I'm curious to know what is "your pleasure ".... :))
Good Sunday! Caterina
I can't wait to see what you put in "My Little Pleasure" the glass paint made a beautiful finish on your floor :)
Victoria ❤
Muchisimas gracias Ascension!:) You will soon see I promise:)
Thank you so much Lori!:)
Thank you Kate! Please remember this kind of paint dries for a long time so it is good to keep painted surface far away from the dust:)
Thank you Caterina!The same to you! Soon to reveal ;)
Thanks so much Victoria! Happy you like it!:)
It looks wonderful Ewa and the wood floor is a wonderful combination with your class paint .It gives the whole think an elegant touch .I see wicker furniture and some plants in my imagination.I'm curious how you will furnish "Your little pleasure"!Hugs,Jeannette
That floor turned out gorgeous - I would never have thought of using glass paint... I'm really curious now what your little pleasure will be. Normally I would have guessed books and glass jars (LOL).
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!
A lovely 'happy place'!!
xxx Glenda
Ooooh! It really looks nice!! Now I'm very curious how it's gonna look like when you'll finish it:) Very very promising, you're talented:) I can't do such things:)
I love it and how the light comes through the glass, it's beautiful. Rosanna
Ewa, I LOVE it, flowers or not! I can't wait to see what you do with it! The suspense is...... very suspenseful! LOL! Your floor is beautiful!
It's coming along so beautifully. I can imagine it with sunshine pouring through the glass.
What a great idea for a floor! Your painting looks wonderful as well. :)
Thank you so much Jeannette! Surely there will be a few flowers;)
:D Brigit :D actually there is going to be one jar there ;D Hugs
Thank you thank you thank you Glenda!:D
Oh Efa, if I only have your talents!!:D Thank you very very much:)
Thank you so much Rosanna! Happy you like it!:)
Happy you like it Betsy!! Thank you very very much!:)
I promise I will take the photo with the sunlight some day Janice:) Thank you very much:)
Thank you so much Dale! It's nice to ready you again!:D
Genialny pomysł z farbką do szkła, podłoga świetnie wygląda, jak prawdziwa.
Świetny pomysł na podłogę i w ogóle świetna jest cała szklarenka. Pięknie ja pomalowałaś:)
I love your floor and what a great idea using glass paint its really given it a nice sheen
Dzięki 1717! Cieszę się, że się podoba:)
Cieszę się, że się podoba Arestreo:) Dzięki!
Thanks a lot MrsPitStop! Happy you like it:D
Absolute wonderful. I can`t wait to see it finished.
Thanks a lot Christine! A bit of patience please:)
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