Professor Severus Snape's Office - click on the photo to visit it

"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

Jun 22, 2010

Glass shopping.

These wonderful mini domes and jars I bought at Timber Ridge Studio. The shop offers mostly a range of little seashells and porcelain. The jars I bought are made of glass, the domes are plastic ones. I am going to fill them in with something magical. :) The domes are quite big so I don't have to worry of making something too big. ;) Under one of the dome you can see a very pretty blue-white cup I've got with my order. I looove mini surprises!:) Thank you Ronni! And thank you Ira very very much for their link!


Michelle said...

This is a great shop, they sell some different items and a few hard to find items too! I have some domes myself, though I bought mine from an British online shop. ;o) Ewa, I'm filling one of mine with mini skulls, this would look great in the Snape's Office too? ;o)

Michelle xxxx

Merry Jingle said...

Good that you got some, I like the shop a lot and the customer service is so good :) Now I want to see what you come up with those domes :)

Ascension said...

Que gran compra!!!
Las cupulas son una maravilla, que vas a poner dentro?
Puedes hacer algo magico!!!!
Estoy deseando ver lo que haces con ellas.
besitos ascension

The Old Maid said...

It's a great idea, Michelle! Thank you very much! I already know what I want to put in one dome and the skull or skulls would be great for the other! Can't wait to see yours fullfilled!:D

The Old Maid said...

Thank you once again for the link Ira! The service at the shop is great! Everything came so fast without any problems:)
I desperately need some free time - holidays or something would be perfect - as I can't find a bit of free time for minis lately :( But will surely show the domes full here soon - hopefully;)

The Old Maid said...

Muchas gracias, Ascension! I will put something magical or strange inside the domes for sure:)And I promiss I will show what is going to be inside the domes here:)

Witchkrafting with Kat said...

How about a captured fairy! :-)

Margaret said...

Thank you for the info, I love 'glass' domes.

The Old Maid said...

That's a great ides Kat! But I am not sure if I could make one..;)

You're very much welcome Margaret!

Anonymous said...

Nie wiem, czy mam pisać komentarz po angielsku czy po polsku...Napiszę po polsku, ale jeśli wolisz aby na tym blogu pisać komentarze po angielsku, by mogli je zrozumieć zagraniczni czytelnicy, to pisz śmiało;)
Te klosze przypominają mi ten, którym Mały Książę przykrywał Różę.
Więc, jak dla mnie, to aż się prosi by znalazła się pod nim jakaś magiczna roślina, taka zupełnie niezwykła...

The Old Maid said...

Zosiu! Pisz w jakim języku wolisz Kochana!:)I tak poważnie się zastanawiam nad przeniesieniem się tutaj - o czym zresztą pisałam na Słonecznych Godzinach :)
Też tak sobie myślę, że przydała by się choć w jednym kloszu jakaś paskudna roślinka ;) Ale zobaczymy co mi z tego wyjdzie!;)

Whittaker's Miniatures said...

I love the domes too! Maybe a dragon brain? Brains are dead easy! have fun filling them, Kate xxx

The Old Maid said...

Thanks Kate! I am thinking of something dragon-ish too!

Woolytales Miniatures said...

The possibilities are endless... I know you will comeup with somefun stuff! Smiles~

The Old Maid said...

Thank you, Patricia! I hope so too:D