Can't really remember when I actually started to work on it... Must have been a year or two ago. I did a kind of frame and stopped as I had no idea how to attach the legs to what I had in mind, lol!
So it was standing here and there and to be honest I was not much thinking of it until
Gosia saw it on the background of one of my pictures and asked what it was. "One of my unfinished projects" I replied.
And a bit later I thought it's time had come.;)
The chaise longue had been taken apart into single pieces. The former gray paint was cleaned off and I could work on it once again. Carving it was fun comparing to upholstering it, lol! Me and fabrics are not the best friends, which is easily seen on the photos.
The pretty fabric was a gift from
The chaise longue is a part of a little scene and here is the next part of it.
Soon to be revealed.;)
And this is my latest drawing. Hope no one gets offended, lol! It was inspired by a photo of Polish burlesque preformer
Pin Up Candy. (You can't really see it, can you? LOL)
It's funny to think it is women who watch burlesque shows in majority, not men.:)
Naprawdę nie pamiętam kiedy zaczęłam nad nim pracować. Rok, może dwa lata temu? Zrobiłam szkielet i nagle zdałam sobie sprawę, że nie mam jak przymocować dobrze nóg do mebla.;)
No więc stał sobie to tu, to tam i w ogóle przestałam o nim myśleć, aż pewnego dnia
Gosia zobaczywszy go na zdjęciu w tle, zapytała co to takiego jest. " Jeden z moich niedokończonych projektów" odparłam.
A trochę później pomyślałam, że chyba nadszedł i jego czas. ;)
Szezlong został rozłożony na części pierwsze, oczyszczony z poprzedniej farby i w końcu mogłam zacząć nad nim pracować. Szczerze przyznaję, że rzeźbienie boków było dla mnie czystą przyjemnością w porównaniu z jego tapicerowaniem. Niestety, ja i materiały nie stanowimy dobranego duetu, co zresztą trochę widać na zdjęciach.
Uroczy materiał obiciowy to prezent od
Szezlong jest częścią malutkiej scenki i kolejna fotka to jej dalsza część.
Wkrótce pokażę więcej.:)
Ostatnie zdjęcie to mój najnowszy rysunek. Mam nadzieję, że nikt się nie obrazi jego treścią. ;D
Rysunek zainspirowany jednym ze zdjęć polskiej preformerki burleski
Pin Up Candy. Ciekawe, że zdecydowaną większość widowni takich występów stanowią kobiety. :)
Ale odlotowy szezlong Ewa, jak Ty to rzeźbisz?? cudowny jest!!!
So good you finally finished that beautiful chaiselongue... another great piece of yours. And I can already imagine that lovely lady you let us have a little peep at lying on it... maybe she will have legs as pretty as your drawing?! ;O)
Your chaise longue is so very nice, the wait time was worth to wait on.
This chaise longue is a fantastic piece of miniature furniture, Ewa, it is a shame you haven't finish it much earlier. And the woman with the beautiful flowers in her hair is part of the scene....??? Wow, what could that be? I am very curious now :D!
Regarding the drawing: it is fantastic! I didn't know you could draw like this. My compliments :D!
Hugs, Ilona
Hi, You have made a Piece of Art! The chaise longue is wonderful, beautiful and gorgeous! Congrats!
szezlong rewelacyjny, chętnie bym na nim poleżała 😉 naszkicujesz resztę uroczej damy?
Szezlong jest naprawdę świetny ( i rysunek też). Uwielbiam mebelki tego typu. Marzę o takim pełnowymiarowym, ale brak mi miejsca :-(
Beautiful chaise and beautiful drawing, Ewa! I look forward to seeing your mini scene soon! xo Jennifer
I see you are talented in both furniture making and drawing! Both are very lovely!
The chaiselongue is beautiful! I loved the color of the fabric!
Your drawing is great! Congratulations!
A big hug. ;)
The Chaise longue is Lovely and Elegant, Ewa! I Love the fabric pattern and the color, and the elegant carved parts are beautiful! I am glad you decided its time had come. It would be a shame to leave it unfinished! And the glimpse of the Lovely headdress on the doll looks like a Wedding veil? I am intrigued! I can't wait to see more!
Sometimes it needs time to get something finished and your chaise longue is beautiful. AND I did see her butt .... lol ;-)
Your Chaise is gorgeous it looks very elegant. Wonderful drawing. I can't wait to see your new scene.
Hugs Maria
Your chaise longue is elegant and refined.
Bye, Faby
Your as busy as a bee. Have you made a self portrait from your legs? Oh wow! I wish I can have legs like this! Great works again!
Love the long chair :o)
About Burlesque: it is so much loved by women because it is made FOR women and BY women. Real ones, large, skinny, tall and short. Any kind of woman of any age.
Burlesque teaches to love your body, your femininity and to respect it.
Real burlesque it is NOT a strip tease, this belongs more to the 70s in USA, thankfully it is now slowly going back to its sources.
There are performers who don't even take off a glove! and they make a sell out at their shows !
As a Burlesque "student" I can tell you that there is nothing more liberating and fun.
BTW at our final show last June there were kids, parents and grandparents applauding and having fun and none of them were offended or scandalized.
Long life to pin ups ;o)
Hugs, Ro
Szezlong cudowny! Taki elegancki. I pięknie otapicerowany. Nie wiedziałam, że tak dobrze rysujesz. Świetnie!
Śliczny mebelek :) Niezwykle elegancki :)
What a lovely piece of furniture! I look forward to seeing the final setting!
I love the chaise-longue (and I think the Polish word for it is delightful :-) )
I struggle with fabric - it's a hate-hate relationship for me, and it's worse if there is a needle and thread involved, so I admire your work greatly....
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