Professor Severus Snape's Office - click on the photo to visit it

"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

Dec 31, 2013

Happy New Year! Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

Happy New Year to you, dear Friends and your beloved ones!
Let's start a party!!! ;)


Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku dla Was i Waszych Bliskich!
U mnie jak widać wszystko już przygotowane do imprezy. ;)


Drora's minimundo said...

A beautiful festive table. Great work!
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Hugs, Drora

Daydreamer said...

Happy New Year Dear Ewa!!! It gets to you sooner than it gets to me.... so I hope you are having a wonderful evening... (And that you get to drink from bigger glasses and eat bigger desserts than the beautiful minis in your pictures)!!!:)
I hope 2014 is filled with Joy and Creativity for you and your loved ones!!!
Happy New Year!!!

Eliana said...

Feliz Ano Novo!

Maria Ireland said...

Great party thanks for the invite :)))
Happy New Year to you and yours.
Hugs Maria

BiWuBär said...

*hicks* I'm feeling tipsy all of a sudden... ;O) Best wishes for the New Year - see you in 2014!


Ilona said...

What a beautiful table setting, Ewa!
My best wishes for you and your beloved ones for 2014!
Hugs, Ilona X

Pippibär said...

I wish you all the best and a happy 2014!

Jackshouse said...

Szczęśliwego nowego roku!
Niech Nowy Rok przyniesie wszystkim wiele Zdrowia, Radości i Spokoju, Nadziei i szczescia oraz spełnienia wszystkich marzeń i planów.

Marisa said...

How festive Im sorry I missed the party :)


CinnamonCat said...

One again, all the best for you!:)

Unknown said...

Mam nadzieję, że miałaś udane rozpoczęcie roku^^ Śliczne te miniaturki ale i tak najbardziej zachwycam się nad kolorem tego stoliczka! Wręcz genialny <3