I should have written this post months ago, I know. Somehow I couldn't organize myself lately, sorry about that. But in the meantime I did email
Jollie with "thank you" already:)
So today I wanted to officially say: thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Jollie! Thank you for your generous and good heart!:)
Jollie and I were emailing each other sometime ago and she'd known about my work situation a bit earlier than I wrote about it here. She sent me a parcel to cheer me up and for good luck too. She said it would have been something small but just look at that! She thought not only about me but my....BJDolls too!!!

I was really touched by all these little things, specially by this poppy necklace
Jollie made herself and all the tiny seashells and stones that remind me about all the holidays I spent on the Greek islands. She couldn't know that but I've been bringing a few shells from every trip or holidays I spend on the river or seafront. I have a very special place for them....

Yes, a little glass aquarium with fish! Nope, there is no water inside and the fish I brought from our trip to Israel. I couldn't find English name of them but they are also called St.Peter's fish. The key rings are too delicate to wear them with the keys so now they "swim" above the shells from Greece, Israel, Italy, Scotland, Tunisia and some other countries that my friends went to too.:)

Thank you,
Jollie once again! Everytime I look at the blue key-ring that hangs on my closet's handle I think of you generous heart.:)
Podziękowanie dla
Jollie, która postanowiła mnie pocieszyć gdy dowiedziała się o mojej sytuacji. Cudowna Dziewczyna! :)