I follow Kassandra's Miniatures Blog for some time now. It's one of the blogs I really like, also because it was full of witches and gothic minis. Lately there is more about absinthe's mniatures, still very interesting.:) I like Vanessa's idea about miniature absinthe's fountain you can see in her Etsy shop. Althought I have never tried this alcohol I bought a little something connected to this drink. There are three botanical posters of the plants often called by the fans of absinthe "the holy trinity".
These are: grande wormwood, green anise and florence fennel - doesn't sound tasty, does it?;) The posters have been printed on real parchment paper. As much as I love miniature's printies I couldn't just leave them there.;) And now they are here.:)
Thank you so much Vanessa!
Do go and see Vanessa's blog and Etsy shop!:)
Mam chyba lekkiego fioła na punkcie miniaturowych "obrazków". Nic więc dziwnego, że gdy zobaczyłam te malowane roslinki, nie pozwoliłam im za długo leżeć w sklepie Vanessy. Jej blog to Kassandra's Miniatures Blog, który do niedawna pełny był czarodziejsko-gotyckich miniatur, a obecnie zapełnia się miniaturami związanym z absyntem. Szczerze pisząc nigdy tego nie piłam, niemniej miniatury związane z tym drinkiem chętnie oglądam. Bardzo podobała mi się np.: fontanna do absyntu w miniaturze, którą można było kupić na Etsy. Całkiem pomysłowa zresztą.:) Nie będąc fanką absyntu, ograniczyłam się jednak do tych maleńkich wydruków. Przedstawiają one 3 podstawowe rosliny stosowane do przygotowania tego alkoholu: piołun, koper i anyż - jak dla mnie, mało smaczne zestawienie.;) Ale obrazki bardzo ładne, w dodatku drukowane na papierze pergaminowym.:)
Hello 2025
1 week ago
Son preciosos los carteles.
Gracias por los enlaces.
A mi tambien me encanta el blog de Kassandra.
besitos ascension
Happy we both like the same things ;) Gracias Ascension!
Wanty want want!! Great printies!
Thanks for the link, Ewa :)
You're welcome Glenda!:) I am happy you like them too!:)
I love Vanessa's blog. Her Absinthe Fountain is amazing, glad to see others enjoy her work.
Victoria :)
I too love old botanical prints and like you, am absolutely fascinated with absinthe. Have you seen how these liquor is prepared with a samovar looking container? It is very interesting :). Must find a reason to try and miniaturise that container :)
They look great, will go and check out Vanessa's shop, thanks Ewa.
Nice posters! The history of absinthe is quite interesting. I didn't realize that there is so much absinthe-related accoutrements, called "absinthiana". Here is a fun link with pictures of absinthiana objects: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absinthiana
very very nice! lucky you!
Yep, I like her blog too, Victoria!:)
Sans I am affarid I know really little about absinthe ;) so I have never seen this samovar looking container - is that the same as this fountain on Vanessa's blog?:)
Happy you like them, Margaret!:)Hope you will find something interesting for you there!:)
Glad you like them Carol!:) I know there is much about this alcohol from Vanessa's blog ;)Thank you for the link!:)
Thank you so much Minnie! :)
Yes Ewa, I have since found out its called the absinthe fountain :)
Oh good to know it is the same thing :)
Yay! I am glad they arrived safe and sound :)
Thank you so much for the kind words and the feature, Ewa. It means a lot :)
You're most welcome Vanessa!;) Thank you so much for them once again!!:)
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