Second I wanted to show you all what I found in one of our florists.:) Funny thing I would had never seen it if the seller in the first florist we went to, didn't start to talk on the phone.;) She was talking and talking and we got bored of waiting and went to the other florist which is maybe 50 meters far from the first shop and there I saw it....

A little handmade greenhouse for the cactuses! Well, not that little it's around 25cm high and 15cm of diameter. I have a few ideas but I am curious what would you do with this little house?
And these are my shopping from Minimum World:

I think I have enough of jars right now.;) A little stool will suit the laboratory table just perfect.:)
What I love about Minimum World is the fact they were really helpfull and sent me my purchases by international signed for and I didn't have to pay any additional costs for it!;)

Moje ostatnie zakupy: najpierw ta piękna szklarenka do kaktusów - nie kupilabym jej nigdy, gdyby nie fakt, że w pierwszej kwiaciarni pani odebrała telefon gdy mysmy decydowali się jakie kwiaty wybrać, a potem gadała i gadała, i gadała. No to sobie poszlismy do drugiej kwiaciarni - 50 metrów dalej ;) i tam stało to cudo! Całkiem spore, ma jakies 25cm wysokosci i 15cm srednicy. Mam parę pomysłów co z niej zrobić, ale ciekawa jestem co Wy byscie zrobili w takim domku?
Kolejne moje zakupy pochodzą ze sklepu Minimum World. Chyba wreszcie mam wystarczającą ilosć słoiczków;), a taboret będzie pasował idealnie do laboratoryjnego stołu. Mogę Wam z czystym sumieniem polecić ten sklep. Obsługa jest niezwykle pomocna i wysłali mi moje zakupy czyms w rodzaju naszego poleconego, bez dodatkowych kosztów!:)
Ooooooo, interesting . . .
check this out -
Ah, yes! I saw it once, completely forgot about it:) Thank you so much Glenda!!
Mine was much much cheaper.;)
I really like your little green house. There are thousands of things you could do with it. I am sure it will be lots of fun!
Somehow I see a tall slim tree growing in the middle and fanning out at the top (no Lower Limbs). That would nicely fill that big area at the top. Who knows who might be living/hiding in the upper branches. Below a witch working at her bench on some nice man eaters. LOL
I have been looking for a mini terrannium for ages to use as a green house. I think they are a fab idea. Can't wait to see what you do with yours.
I like Minimum World too, they have a huge range of items and very quick postage.
I love you little Glass House! And would have to put a comfy chair and some plants in it for a cozy place to read a book:)
Loving your little bottles, too!
Muy buenas compras.
La paciencia que has tenido en la floristeria ha tenido recompensa :)
Besos Clara
Great find, would be perfect for cacti I would think, and you will be able to see everything easily. Nice jars too, look enough for several projects!
Ewa, there's also this from Oese at Raum fuer Raum -
Ewa, I love that glasshouse. I will want one when I see it. Will be perfect for mum's peonies garden :) Those bottles look good too, notyoru usual run of the mill ones but yours look finer :)
I have greenhouse envy now Ewa, that is just so lovely !
Catheine, I love this idea! So cool!!I knew that asking you will bring very interesting ideas out:)
Janice, good luck with finding terrannium - if you don't find anything interesting I may look for something for you here.:) Yes I loved the fast delivery from Minimum World too:)
Katie thank you! I am affraid I won't be able to put anything more than one comfy chair there anyway ;)
Clara, thank you. Very true :D
Glenda thank you so much these are sooo pretty! Mine is not that big I am affraid but they are so inspiring!:)
Sans I am pretty sure you will find something pretty for your mum but if not I may look for the greenhouse here :)
Julie thank you so much!!!:D
The green house is fabulous. But I don't have any idea what to do with it ... lol
Thank you! No worries:D
Ooohh, Ewa! What a lucky find! I hope that "someday" I will find a little greenhouse and make a mini garden... maybe with real moss and plants and a tiny chair & a table with a cup of tea....
You will have fun with this and I can't wait to see what you make!
I see all kinds of possibilities with your glass house and bottles! Your imagination must be jumping up and down to get started. What fun! I will stop by again to see your progress. love, Rose
I'd have to age it and dirty it up a bit! lol It depends on what project you want it for..or you could just make this a mini project of its own. :o)
I love Minimum World I have bought loads from them as they are sooo reasonable and sooo efficient too!
I have update my blog with The Dolls Cobbler link Ewa. You just have to email her with your request and some photo's it you have any. :o)
Michelle xxx
Betsy, thank you so much! What a lovely idea!
Thank you so much Rose! See you soon here!:)
Michelle thank you! For the link too! :)
You are just the sweetest, Ewa. When I am ready, I am going to try our Ikea and now that you have given me some ideas, I am sure the flower shops here will have these mini green houses too. We have a very big garden fair here once a year. Do you know Singapore is also known as The Garden City ?:):)
No, I didn't! :D It must be a very beautiful city you live in!:)
Que precioso invernadero!!!!
Podrias hacer alguna escenita de Navidad, al ser de cristal se veria por todas partes y quedaria genial.
Preciosas compras.
besitos ascension
Beautiful idea Ascension! Thank you so much!:)
¡Que maravilla de invernadero! Es una suerte que no te hayan cobrado los oportes.
La idea de una escena de navidad, esta muy bien. Hacer una floristeria, una mesa de cocina o un rincon de cocina, tambien podria ser.
Besitos, May
Muchas gracias May! Great ideas!:)
szklany domek jest uroczy, chyba się będę musiała przejść po kwiaciarniach. Ja bym widziała połączenie oranżerii z ptaszarnią :) pozdrawiam
Fajny pomysł!:) Bardzo Ci dziękuję!:D
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