Hurray! You don't really know how happy I was when one of my missing parcels arrived home!!!! Well, actually it appeared, it wasn't lost really but it was sent all the way from Canada by ground service.
And yes I knew about it.
What I didn't know was that it would take 6 weeks for it to arrive.;)
Anyway here they are: the great great bottles straight from Looking Glass Miniatures and of course they will be put in Snape's office! I loved the bottles eversince I saw them in Jennifer's Etsy shop.
I love all the "insides"...
...their colours and the fact not all are full filled:)
Lucky me they arrived safe and sound!
Thank you so much for your great work and assistance, Jennifer! I am so happy to have them home!!
Do go and see Jennifer's beautiful blog and shop as she's got much more than bottles only. ;) And don't forget to visit other Jennifer's blogs:
Miniature Apothecary
Hobbit Dollshouse
Style in Scale
Z radoscią donoszę, że jedna z moich zagubionych paczek znalazła drogę do domu.:) Okazało się, że tak całkiem to nie zaginęła, bo została wysłana pocztą lądową z..Kanady. Tak, wiedziałam o tym. Tylko nie wiedziałam, że dotarcie paczki do mnie będzie trwało 6 tygodni! W każydym razie przedstawiam Wam buteleczki prosto z Looking Glass Miniatures, które oczywiscie znajdą się w sewerusowym gabinecie.Od momentu gdy zobaczyłam je w sklepiku Jennifer bardzo chciałam mieć.;)Najbardziej podoba mi się wnętrze buteleczek, ich kolor i to, że nie wszystkie są powypełniane zawartoscią do końca:)
Hello 2025
5 days ago
Oh, that's good news - would have been awesome if these wonderful jars had been gone to Nirvana... Let's hope the other missing ones will arrive, too - at least, we're heading towards christmas, and that is the time of wonders, isn't it? *biggrin*
Have a nice weekend
YAY! I'm so glad that at least one of your parcels has arrived. Arh, yes I would have expected it to take 6 weeks over land.
Wonderful bottles though and well worth the wait methinks! :o)))) I bet you are smiling from ear to ear now Ewa!
Michelle xx
Que botecitos mas maravillosos.
Me alegro de que aunque hayan tardado en llegar, te hayan llegado sanos y salvos.
Son una preciosidad, quedaran genial
Feliz fin de semana
besitos ascension
Great Pictures Im so happy they arrived!!! Jenn Love to see more pics in Snapes office!! Jenn
they look awesome!
At least they have arrived safe and sound. I bet you thought that you was never going to receive them. Mind you Sans sent me a parcel and it took a couple of months to reach me and was as flat as a
Hahaha Brigit thank you so much! Let's keep our fingers crossed! Have a great weekend too!
Thank you, Michelle! Truly I wasn't expecting it to be THAT long but I will know for the future;)
Muchas gracias Ascension! Feliz fin de semana!
Thank you again Jenn! The photos will be here very soon as I probably have got enough bottles for all shelves now;)
Thanks a lot Marisa!
What excellent bottles - I'm a fan of Jennifer's work, she has a very pleasing style!
I'm so very glad that they arrived safely - it's awful when you don't know where your mail is.
Thank you Debbie! The worst thing is I got used to get my parcel very fast and now all I do is wait and wait.;) Hope the rest will arrive some day:)
So happy for you! The bottles are beautiful. We will all cross our fingers for your others to arrive safely.
Victoria ♥
Thank you sooooo much, Glenda! Yep, the worst thing is when you wait for something you know it just could come in 2 days and it's not for more than 2 months...
Thank you very verymuch for that Victoria!!!!:D
¡Yupii! No se habian perdido. Me alegro de verlos en tu casa. Están muy bien hechos, ella cuida mucho los detalles de no llenarlos y todas las etiquetas. ¡Enhorabuena!
Besos Clara
Muchas gracias Clara!!!:)
Habria sido una verdadera pena que se hubieran perdido.
Me alegro que hayan llegado sanos y a salvo.
Disfrutalos, porque son una maravilla.
Besitos, May
I love the inside too!
Ewa, my longest surface mail took 4 months . From England. I think 6 weeks is quite fast for surface mail :):)
:D Now I know that Sans :D
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