Oh my! Is it more than a month of silence over here? Guess it's a total lack of a good will that kept me away of writing, lol! I hope I will be better this time as I have a few things to show to you.
Today is about my new BJD or I should write BJPetdoll, Mr Rabbit named Tsuki Kaze - yup I know, kind of stupid name for an animal, lol but I like it;))
A sweet and only around 10cm high ball jointed rabbits are made by a very young and very talented Polish Lady of a name Natalii White (if you click her name it will bring you to her official FBpage). And we kind of "met" through FB Polish OOAK dolls group. When I saw her cute animals I of course wanted one for me. It was supposed to be a white one first but when I read she was planning to make one in black resin I knew I wanted one like that! As it was her attempt in mixing white and black resin the result is - as someone on FB said - like-a-cow-look. And because of this saying I decided to give him more uncommon name so that he wouldn't feel bad about being called a cow, lol! So according to intenet: Tsuki means Moon and Kaze - Wind in Japanese.
Oh gosh! That must be boring to read how he "was born"! Anyway straight to the point: I needed a place for him so he won't be lost easily in my room and can hid and do the things he likes.;) That's how Rabbit's Nook appeared. Yes, it's another lantern! This time I thought of giving it kind of "oriental" look. Hope you will like it and Tsuki too!
The books and little table lantern are a part of a swap with Ewa - I still need to write about that too!
The pretty brown-star fabric is a part of a swap with Betsy - yup! Another post soon! :)
The table is one that was made of buttons.;)
The ceiling lamp is going to be changed when I find a good inspiration.;) And I want to make a hookah or Moroccan traditional pipe for him too.
Dziś o nowym....Króliku, hahaha! To moja najnowsza BJD a raczej BJPetdoll, jak zwał tak zwał. Królik autorstwa bardzo utalentowanej Natalii White, mierzy sobie niecałe 10cm (z uszami).
Miał być całkiem biały, ale jak przeczytałam, że Natalia chciałaby zrobić coś z czarnej żywicy, to pomyślałam, że to świetny pomysł. Ponieważ była to jej pierwsza próba wymieszania czarnej żywicy z białą, powstał królik, który - jak się ktoś wyraził na FB - wygląda jak...krowa! ;)
Żeby mu oszczędzić "wstydu" bycia nazwanym krową dałam mu imię Tsuki Kaze (wg internetu: Tsuki to Księżyc, Kaze - Wiatr po japońsku). No dobra, ja tu o Króliku, a miało być o Kryjówce.
Kryjówka powstała po to, żeby go ochronić przed promieniami UV - bo u mnie niestety lampa z żarówkami energooszczędnymi - oraz żeby się nie zgubił za szybko ;) i żeby miał gdzie posiedzieć i poczytać, ;) Tak, to kolejna latarenka! Tym razem pomyślałam o orientalnym stylu. Mam nadzieję, że się Wam spodoba.
Co prawda lampa jest do wymiany i marzy mi się sheesha lub tradycyjna marokańska fajka, ale...;)
Książki i latarenka na stoliku - wymiana z Ewą, "gwiezdny" materiał na kanapie - wymiana z Betsy. Cała reszta, poza Królikiem, mojej własnej produkcji.;)
Free printable! Titanic notepad stationery
1 week ago
I love Tsuki Kaze and his new home. He is so well made and cute as a button. Also in looking thru your blog I love your lace trays. They are exquisite!
What a wonderful story about this special rabbit with a cow-look, Ewa and since I am fond of cowies I like your rabbit too ;)! I love the scene in the lantern, it is wonderful work. I can imagine why you were so silent, I also have that moments, just like anyone of us bloggers sometimes has.
Have a great Sunday and the new week ahead!
Hugs, Ilona
Oh Ewa! I LOVE him!!! And of course the Lantern for his Nook is just Perfect!!! I am happy to see some of the "glitter" fabric on his bed!! I have been tempted to buy BJD's myself... I might not be able to resist forever! LOL! I Love seeing this little scene and hope to see more soon!
I love Tsuki Kaze and he doesn't look anywhere near a cow. He looks like the coolest rabbit ever! And you definitely made him a room that matches him, cool for cool! And please, you are not boring at all. Of course I want to know everything about Tsuki and how he was born and why you gave him the name.
Your taste is very distinct and unique, Ewalina. And always exotic and beautiful. I love the room, could easily be mine. :). Don't forget to make him some carrot juice, dear! But only in an exquisite goblet :).
Królik po prostu odlotowy! a kryjówka taka przytulna i klimatyczna, że ach...skryłby się człowiek sam z przyjemnością. Zwłaszcza te zielone motywy na szybach, no i lampy - bardzo fajnie je wymyśliłaś, słowem, baaardzo mi się to podoba!
You have created the perfect, little lair for your adorable, new bunny! Thanks for sharing the FB link.
Tsuki Kaze is wonderful. I love the home you have made for him. He looks very relaxed and comfortable in it.
Hugs Maria
How can you even think of making me get bored with background information on that lovely chap. What a great character - and the lantern home you've made for him looks stunning. He absolutely seems to enjoy himself there. Nevertheless - your work is not done... Tsuki Kaze needs some delicious carrot treats... ;O) Hope we're going to see more of him!
Tsuki Kaze looks a perfect gentleman, or should I say gentlerabbit. You are right about a hookah, far more suitable than a simple pipe with this oriental surrounding. Lovely display.
Hugs, Drora
Great to hear from you, Ewa! Your rabbit and his abode are both adorable. What fun you've been having while you were away from blogging! Thanks for sharing your fun with all of us. I look forward to your future posts. xo Jennifer
I found it very interesting to learn how the little bunny has come to you and to his unusual name. What a great story!
I am very sure that he now feels quite at home in his bautiful lantern! Great work!
Bardzo przytulna i elegancka kryjówka :)
I love your little scene you have created for Tsuki Kaze.
He's a cute rabbit ;)
I like your funny scene.
Greetings, Faby
Nieźle się Twój króliczek urządził ;). Małe, ale przytulne mieszkanko. I jakie ładne.
Królicza kryjówka w latarence wygląda wspaniale - uwielbiam takie pomysły i aranżacje :) Orientalny styl dodaje charakteru :) Świetna praca :)
Hola Ewa
Has hecho una preciosa escena para ese adorable personaje.
Me encanta como te ha quedado.
besitos ascension
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