Professor Severus Snape's Office - click on the photo to visit it

"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

Jun 16, 2013

This and that. To i tamto.

Different things in one post.;)
Sometime ago I've found an inspiring magazine called: meetings with monuments. Not every issue is interesting for me but this time I just couldn't stop staringa at this:

Isn't it a FANTASTIC building? I am charmend by all these little windows...
And guess what? It is in Poland!
This palace has a lot of luck as it has returned to it's owners - during communist times most of this kind of  buildings were annected by government and usually used without thinking of taking care of them, many of them are gone for good...  And the owners decided to turn it into exclusive hotel. Well, for sure they will have a lot of work and need a lot of money.

Another news is this diorama of Gdynia in recently open InfoBox.

Here is where I live. ;)

And the main train station with court building in background.

And last but not least: for dear Friends(you know who you are!!! ;)) who asked about offsprings. ;)
Here is cradle no 3 and sewing table no 2. They are on their way to Belgium and I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will be liked "alive".;)


Różne sprawy w jednym poście.;)
Całkiem niedawno odkryłam inspirujący dwumiesięcznik o nazwie Spotkania z Zabytkami - nie każdy numer jest ciekawy (dla mnie), ale od ostatniego nie mogłam oderwać wzroku. Tylko spójrzcie na ten budynek! To jest pałac.... w Guzowie.
Na jego szczęście właściciele, którzy go odzyskali planują odnowienie pałacu i przekształcenie go w ekskluzywny hotel. Trochę to potrwa, ale budynek na pewno wart jest i wysiłku, i kasy.

Kolejne fotki to plan Gdyni w nowo otwartym  InfoBoxie. Na fotkach "moja" okolica i dworzec Główny wraz z budynkiem Sądu.

Na ostatniej fotce kołyska nr 3 i niciak nr 2, które właśnie podróżują do nowego domu w Belgii. Trzymam mocno kciuki, żeby na żywo również  podobały się nowej właścicielce.:)


BiWuBär said...

What a beautiful house - I wish I'd be able to build something like this in miniature... I'm sure your customer will be glad with your fantastic miniatures - and I have to tell you something... *psssst, come closer...* I really liked the last picture most! ;O)


Eliana said...

The house is really beautiful and model of your city is fantastic!
Hopefully your beautiful mini furniture make a good trip to Belgium. =)

aszeko said...

A co ma się nie spodobać, jak się nam wszystkim tak bardzo podoba! :) A odnośnie zabytków - czasami mi szkoda, gdy widzę, że jakiś stary dworek czy pałacyk jest przerobiony np. na hotel i nie można go zwiedzać, ale zawsze to pocieszenie, że nie stoi w ruinie. Chociaż niektórzy łączą jedno z drugim i można coś niecoś pooglądać :).

afairytalecometruewyrna said...

The house is so beautiful. I hope those who bought it has a lot of money and respect for the original house when they put it in order. It is a shame for our culture heritage when these beautiful houses are allowed to decay.
I also really like the last picture, you have a very special charisma that I find it hard to put into words. You are beautiful, but there is so much more than that.

Giac said...

Hello Ewa,
What a lovely post, but I must say I am mesmerized by that incredible building. What a grand hotel it will be and I am happy an old building will be saved.
Big hug,

Debbie said...

Beautiful Building.

Ilona said...

WOW, that building is gorgeous, I especially love that kind of (mansard) roof :D!
The photo of your gorgeous furniture is very special with your smiling beautiful face in the background ;)! I hope the furniture will arrive safe and sound in Belgium and your client will be satisfied, I am sure of.
Warm hugs, Ilona

Drora's minimundo said...

The house is very beautiful. It's good that it will be conserved.
I am sure your beautiful furnitures will be received with open arms and be cherished.
Hugs, Drora

Unknown said...

It`s a wonderful little castle! Liked to see the model of your city and where you live.

Plushpussycat said...

I love the photo of you and your work, Ewa! Thanks for sharing! xo Jennifer

17-17 said...

Mnóstwo jest w Polsce pięknych starych budowli i tylko minimalna ich część jest odrestaurowywana. Większość, niestety popada w ruinę. Można się tylko cieszyć, że pałac w Guzowie zostanie odnowiony,ma przepiękna formę, (w miniaturze byłby FANTASTYCZNY :)
Makieta Gdyni wygląda bardzo ciekawie, dzięki za udostępnienie.
Co do kołyseczki i stolika, cóż mogę dodać...niciak mnie urzekł od pierwszego wejrzenia, na pewno zachwyci nową właścicielkę, świetna robótka.

Ascension said...

Hola Ewa
Me encantan las fotografias y ver donde vives jejeje
Seguro que les encantaran tus trabajos cuando los vean, son fantasticos.
besitos ascension

John said...

I always love to hear when a beautiful, old building is saved from the wrecking ball.

Great photo, Ewa!

Daydreamer said...

Hi Ewa! (I must say I am relieved to read "Belgium".... I have a lot of painting to do! It is next on my list..... !) That picture of you is so Lovely! You look so happy and pleased to be sending your creations out into the world... but also just a little fretful about their reception... I would not worry if I were you... they will be received with Huge Smiles! And I am patiently waiting and now I am going to paint!
As for the Inspiring picture.... Don't you wish you could just build these as mini chateaus in perfect replica? Just ONE building would probably fill my entire RL House LOL! (Or I would have started building it already!)
I can't wait!!!

Sans! said...

OMG!!! MY kind of building! This is like a the palace version of the abandoned house ! We are so going to stay in this hotel when it is all done, right, Ewalina?

By the way, Gorgeous, your furniture just keeps getting better! I see them in your destiny! :):)