This is a gift for a dear Friend who is always much too generous, not only for me but for many people. I was happy to hear she wanted something made by me and happy to know it was something I had never made myself before.
The bench is - of course ;) - based on the photo of RL's bench I saw in a design magazin some time ago.
It was kind of difficult to make because of a lot of hand carving and bent armrests.
It is upholstered with pretty cotton fabric
(available in my Shop ;)) and finished with amber shellac.
Except from pillows I made a matching tiny footstool to it too. I will show it to you next time. :)
Hope you will like it.
By the way does anyone have problems with seeing blogger reading list like I do? Sometimes it works great and then I need to refresh it like thousand of time to see it or ask blogger for help. :( It makes me not liking blogger more and more lately...
Ławeczka jest prezentem dla mojej drogiej Przyjaciółki, która nie tylko dla mnie jest nieustająco aż zbyt hojna. :) Gdy więc usłyszałam, że chciałaby żebym zrobiła mebelek i dla niej byłam bardzo szczęśliwa, zwłaszcza, że takiego mebelka jeszcze nie robiłam sama.
Ławeczka jest, jak zwykle, oparta na zdjęciu ławki w naturalnej skali, które to (zdjęcie) wypatrzyłam kiedyś w jakimś wnętrzarskim magazynie.
Przez wygięte podpórki pod łokcie i rzeźbienia boków i nóg było przy niej całkiem sporo pracy.
Tapicerowana jest uroczym bawełnianym materiałem
(do nabycia w moim Sklepie) i wykończona bursztynową politurą.
Oprócz poduszek zrobiłam też pasujący do niej podnóżek, który pokażę następnym razem.
Mam nadzieję, że się Wam spodoba. :)
Piękna ławeczka, śliczny materiał, zaraz zajrzę do Sklepiku :-)
Hi Ewa! Your settee is Gorgeous!!! I saw the preview on FB last night... it looks so good with the fabric upholstery! It looks like a very tricky bit of construction with those curves!!! I hope the recipient loves it too!
You are so inspiring with these furniture challenges you take on!!! I hope to learn to make furniture someday.... :)
I also sometimes have trouble with blooger reading list.... very annoying! And lately I have had a lot of trouble with Very Slooooow uploads of my pictures....! It has caused me to shorten the posts.... but you would never know it because I use so many pics!!! LOL!
I looove this bench, Ewa! Great work! I used to love blogging but I must admit I started a facebook account a while ago. Blogger seems to be unreliable ( I have to refresh at least twice to see the blog list) and maybe I'm boring people to death but I don't get a lot of response and often think it's a waste of time while it's really rewarding to see all that's going on at my groups at facebook.
GORGEOUS!!!! Jesteś niesamowicie utalentowana, podziwiam!!! Przepiękna robota a i materiał jest uroczo kuszący;)
That settee is another wonderful piece of yours... I can truly see that this was not easy to build but the result is stunning. And I must say I really like the fabric you've chosen. - About blogger and the reading list... same thing around here (and sometimes it also takes a lot of time until posts show up in the blog lists... so that's no alternative *grumble*). It gets more and more annoying...and I bet that's one of the reasons why more and more people stay away from blogger... *sigh* During the last days there were only 1-2 new posts from people I follow...
Absolutely gorgeous! Someone is going to be extremely happy when they get this!
Yes, blogger does that for me too. It may be getting a lot of traffic at that time. I don't know why it does that.
Hi Ewa! Your settee is gorgeous, what a lot of work this must have been to carve this all by hand! But you did a great job :D!
I love the fabric upholstery too, such lovely and warm colors. I think your friend will cherish it for ever ;)!
Please, DON'T talk about the readers list problems of blogger......why do you think I am so late for leaving you my comment ;)?? My readers list disappeared two days ago and this morning it finally came back after refreshing thousand times the page!!! It is not funny I think I will spend whole Sunday for commenting all the blogs, which I can do today!! This problem has been there for a while and for me it is back again :(!
Despite all: I wish you a lovely Sunday, Ewa :D!
Hugs, Ilona
Wow how beautiful! It's wonderful how
you are able to produce mini furniture being inspired by real ones. This is what makes your blog so interesting to visit.
The fabric too is lovely and perfect for the settee. Awesome work!
Hugs, Drora
Hello Ewa,
It is fantastic. I love the lines of the arms and the carved detail is beautiful. Excellent work.
I too have had that problem with blogger...Once I presses refresh 37 times and then just gave up.
Big hug,
Hi Ewa, What a gorgeous bench you've made for a special friend! I love the fabric on it! I don't use the Blogger feed anymore, partly for the reason you mentioned. You can have all the blogs you follow moved over to Bloglovin' with just one click of a button, and voila! no more problems! xo Jennifer
Dear Ewa, thank you so much for stopping in to see me. I am amazed at your skills! I went back and looked at the things you have created since I last visited, and wow! The walker, the wonderful embroidery stand, the bench, it's lovely, and the go girl, it's truly exquisite! Your miniatures are so detailed, and perfect! You are an inspiration to so many. XOXOX Christel
Another masterpiece! Great work as always. It looks very cozy and invites to cuddle in
mistrzowska praca. Podziwiam detale i wykonanie. Cudowna ławeczka. C-U-D-O-W-N-A ;-)
I love the bench. The fabric is perfect for it. Wonderful work.
Hugs Maria
I haven't been on blogger much to know that it is worse because when I was blogging more regularly, Blogger was already problematic.
I will however miss Blogger when it is gone. That is because I have used it as a means to keep in touch and to record my own work for the past 5 years. I will hate to lose it all.
My dear Ewalina, this bench is just gorgeous! Your footstool is adorable but this bench is AMAZING!
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