Professor Severus Snape's Office - click on the photo to visit it

"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

Jun 6, 2014

Child's walker. Chodzik.

This is a part of  commission you saw in my last post.

I just didn't want to mix it in the-under -the-sign-of-chamber-pot miniatures. ;)

The walker is based on the picture from Elblag Book of Meadow(or Meadow's Book) of 1421 year.

I couldn't find any link to this book in English, so sorry, anyway the book is mostly about plants and farmers works in 15th century.

This is my first miniature that has got wheels and they all are working. ;)
Hope you will like my little walker.

Oh, I was to write about it from sometime: do you remember my shoe model?
Her photo, together with 7 other beautiful dolls) has been chosen for summer header of Minidollist group!! :)


Ostatnia część zamówienia, o którym mogliście poczytać w moim ostatnim poście. Nie chciałam go mieszać do "nocników", choć dotyczy małych dzieci. ;)

Chodzik wzorowany jest na obrazku z Elbląskiej Księgi Łąkowej z 1421 roku.

To moja pierwsza miniatura na kołach, które w dodatku się kręcą. ;)

A na koniec się pochwalę: pamiętacie moją modelkę butów? Jej zdjęcie, wraz z 7 zdjęciami lalek innych artystów trafiło na letni banner Minidolllist. :)


BiWuBär said...

Another piece of fantastic miniature work - your customer will be very happy with it. And it's totally interesting to have a peek into the past... it's amazing to imagine children already used this so many centuries ago. And congratulations - they made a good choice taking your lovely shoe model for their header!


P.S.: Don't worry... you're not too late - there's still a lot of work to do on Flower Cottage... ;O)

Drora's minimundo said...

That is a very cute baby walker. How
things have changed during the years
that passed.
Congratulations! No wonder they chose your beautiful shoe model for
the header.
Hugs, Drora

Ilona said...

What a beautiful and original piece of work, Ewa. I think your customer will be happy with all your work!
Yes, in earlier times they also had a walker, just like Birgit said.
Congratulations that your beautiful doll is chosen for the shoe model on the header, what an honor and so wonderful news :D!
I wish you a nice Pentecost weekend!
Hugs, Ilona

Daydreamer said...

What a wonderful commission this is! And you have made the wheels work!!! That is a great accomplishment! As for your beautiful shoe model being featured.... she is very deserving of the recognition! You are really "on a roll" now! :)

Plushpussycat said...

Another nice piece of furniture from days gone by. Interesting history. Congratulations! Your shoe model doll is gorgeous, so it's no wonder she was chosen. xo Jennifer

PILAR6373 said...

Una pieza muy curiosa,no la conocía,pero tu trabajo es perfecto!!!!!

John said...

Adorable little walker and congrats on your shoe model doll, too!

Pippibär said...

Great work as always! Run Forest run! *lol*
Congratulation to you shoe model for the honor of beiing a "Cover girl" Well deserved!

Giac said...

Hello Ewa,
The walker is beautiful. What a great reproduction. Congratulations on the shoe model doll.
Big hug,

Marisa said...

what a cute little walker and Congrats on being chosen :)


Unknown said...

Wygląda genialnie!<3 I piękny kolor:} Gratuluję bannera! POzdrawiam serdecznie!

Sans! said...

Dearie, I am looking at all your past posts and oh my oh my, you just never fail to amaze me. What a master you have become, SS. I am so proud of you. This little walker is adorable! And all your chamber pot furnitures..I have 3 alphabets for you. WOW!

Congratz on being featured.I knew that shoe model will be a hit. What's her name?

And please let your parents know that I am constantly thinking of them. Just like I was when I was writing my last post and the weeks before and the months before. My package to you is for them too.

O yes, just this morning I was just telling a friend about the salt mine we went to...memories :)

Christel said...

Dear Ewa, you have so much talent! The pieces you create are far above the norm, and are always so perfect, the child's walker is no exception, fabulous work!! Thank you for coming to visit, and your lovely comments, you always bring a smile to my soul. Christel

Mini Addictions said...

Hi Ewa,
I found your blog through Birgit at biwubaren. Your work is magnificent and I look forward to following your blog.