Professor Severus Snape's Office - click on the photo to visit it

"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

Sep 7, 2013

One more kitten and a chair. Jeszcze jeden kotek i krzesło.

Call me crazy, but there is another kitten in another project...
Yes this is Laundry in the Back Yard. It looks like whatever is in this cup the cat finds it tasty, lol!

The chair is again inspired by the photo of 1:1 scale aluminium chair.

Mine is made of wood but painted to look like it was of metal.
Hope you will like them two! ;)


Jeszcze jeden kotek w innym projekcie. Temu w Jesiennym Praniu najwyraźniej smakuje to cokolwiek-to-jest w tym kubku.;)
No i krzesło, na wzór aluminiowego ze zdjęcia. Moje jest z drewna, tylko pomalowane tak, żeby wyglądało na drewniane.


Indy_Poppy said...

The metal effect chair looks great. I like its design.

Virginia isabel said...

La silla es una preciosidad. Me encanta.

afairytalecometruewyrna said...

Beautiful scenery. I love the chair, what kind of paint do you use to get the metal look?

Anna said...

All of my dollhouses and room boxes (with the sole exception of a patisserie I haven't shared yet) have at least one cat in them somewhere. Even in miniature, I can't not have a cat!

Drora's minimundo said...

The chair is fantastic! I was sure it was metal. Cats always steal the show I love your little display and I love kittens.
Hugs, Drora

17-17 said...

Widzę, że kotki opanowały Twoją pracownię :-)) krzesełko wyszło rewelacyjnie, trudno uwierzyć, że jest z drewna, świetne.

contar said...

si consiguió el aspecto metálico queda muy bonita, los gatos como siempre curiosos y juguetones.
un abrazo

Fabiola said...

The scene with the kitten is very sweet.
The chair is fantastic!
Bye, Faby

Daydreamer said...

Wow! That chair looks fantastic, Ewa!!! I know how difficult wood can be... you are getting very good with the delicate cuts!!! Bravo! And of course... the cats always steal the show... but they do make scenes look so much more lively! I wonder what is in that cup...???

BiWuBär said...

I thought you were showing the photo of the chair that inspired you and was asking myself "And where is the miniature?" *grin* Great work, that chair looks stunning. And the cat was a perfect addition, it makes the scene even more vivid.


Ilona said...

Hi Ewa!! I guess you won't like my comment, because I really thought the same as Birgit: where is the miniature chair, but I looked at it, stupid me ;)! The chair is awesome work, Ewa! I also love that kitten, allthough I am allergic for RL cats/kittens :(!
Hugs, Ilona

Maria Ireland said...

I love your little kitten wonderful scene. Your chair is amazing.
Hugs Maria

Plushpussycat said...

Fantastic chair--you are so talented! I like putting kitties in scenes too. ;-) xo Jennifer

Sans! said...

Love love love that chair. Great job, Ewalina!

I have these wrought iron chairs in y garden as well. They always look great in photos with the lights streaming through their patterns casting very interesting shadows.

I am glad you introduce a cat in the backyard. This time we see a lot of details and now there's life too :).

aszeko said...

Świetne krzesło! A koty to nawet w zaprawie lubią pomieszać łapą :)

John said...

Hi Ewa! I love the chair, too, and also have an appreciation for cats. I do not have a mini cat for my house, yet, but my photographer friend photo-shopped my 'real-life' kitty into one of my rooms and so of course now I really want one! So good to see your work, again!

Pippibär said...

I can´t find so much words for all your fantastic realistic Minis, so I just can say "wonderful" every time!