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"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

Sep 14, 2013

"Lacy" Trays. "Koronkowe" tace.

Currently I am working on a bigger scale's furniture, which is quite new to me (not to mention a bit scary too, lol) but managed to find a bit of time to make these two.

It's funnt I had these "laces" for years and always knew they are perfect for miniatures but I was sure I can't really use them as pieces of furniture so they waited and waited.
And guess what happened this week? Yes, I found an inspiration!
So here they are: two "lacy" trays.

The trays carry beautiful glass from Glasscraft, which can be bought in my Shop.:)

Hope you like them!:)


Obecnie pracuję nad meblami w większej skali. Co - przyznaję - jest dla mnie całkiem nowym doświadczeniem, ale udało mi się wygospodarować odrobinkę czasu na te dwa maleństwa.:)

Te dwie "koronki" były u mnie od dłuższego czasu i zawsze wiedziałam, że się nadają do zastosowania w miniaturze, tylko jakoś brakowało mi pomysłu. No i w tym tygodniu natknęłam się na inspirację.;)

Na tacach: absolutnie przepiękne szkło z Glasscraft - do nabycia w moim Sklepie.:)
Mam nadzieję, że "koronkowe" tace Wam się spodobają!


Ilona said...

What an very original idea, Ewa, it really looks fantastic! I know this glass work from Phil, it is so beautiful and real handwork too!
Have a great weekend. Hugs, Ilona

Daydreamer said...

Ewa!!! They are Gorgeous!!! And you are so Inventive!!! Very Beautiful! Isn't it amazing how sometimes the Simplest things are the Best ideas? These trays are really Brilliant!

Maria Ireland said...

Ewa your lace trays are wonderful. I got some lace angels the last time I was in Poland and I love them. Wonderful work as always :)
Hugs Maria

The Old Maid said...

Maria, they are not made of lace,lol, their pattern just look like it, that's why I called them so. ;)

BiWuBär said...

What a fantastic idea - you've found the perfect use for it.


Drora's minimundo said...

Great trays! I too, like Maria, thought they were made of starched lace. They are very pretty. I love the glass ware.
Hugs, Drora

John said...

It's astonishing how you transformed lace into these wonderful tray --truly inspired!


Eliana said...

So beautiful, Ewa!

Margaret said...

The trays look great Ewa they are paper lace? And they display the glassware beautifully.

Conny v/den Dungen -Muller said...

geweldig dat idee.

groet conny

The Old Maid said...

Mrgaret, no, they are not of paper either, they are metal pieces.:)
Thank you!

Fabiola said...

Original and wonderful trays.
Bye, Faby

afairytalecometruewyrna said...

It's a brilliant idea, they are very beautiful.

Unknown said...

Ach... jakie piękne! Cudowne!

Pippibär said...

They both look wonderful, but I like the white one more. Very romantic! Great work!

Maria Blanca "AyamontinoMaria" said...

Una idea muy original, con un resultado perfecto..¡felicidades! Un abrazo. Maria

The Old Maid said...

Hmm this is what keeps me wonder, Melli, why most of the Ladies now prefer white? :)
Thank you!

Giac said...

Hello Ewa,
They are just beautiful! so elegant and delicate.
Big hug,

Unknown said...

Super wyszły!! A te buteleczki też są przeurocze.
Ja też tak czasem mam, że mi rzeczy leżą i leżą i czekają na olśnienie, ale jakż to radość jak się wreszcie znajdzie natchnienie i skończy!!(tak dziś miałam haha)
Gratuluję, tace są naprawdę piękne.

CinnamonCat said...

Kojarzą mi się z japońskim stylem- misternie zdobione a pomimo to "lekkie". :)

Plushpussycat said...

Hi Ewa, Your trays are beautiful. They look like bent metal. What ARE they made of? xo Jennifer

Sans! said...

Ewa, make more and sell them! They are SUPER PRETTY! Like? No way, Love love love!

Your creations are always different :).