The first day of our trip was heading to an end and my friend wanted to take a few pictures of the sunset. While walking to the other beach for a better view, we read about the sunset boat ride and quickly decided we want it too. So we got on board of the galleon.
I had never expected it would be sooooooo cold and the boat would be jumping really high and really!
But the views... just look at that.:)
Just when we thought the sunset was almost over, a new feeria of colours has just began!
Awesome isn't it?;)
Dzień pierwszy naszej wyprawy zakończyłyśmy oglądając zachód słońca z pokładu galeona. Nigdy nie przypuszczałam, że będzie tak ziiiimno i że będzie tak bujało. Ale widoki a raczej kolory zrekompensowały nam wszystko.:)
Hello Ewa,
Thank you so much for sharing these fantastic pictures. IThey are so beautiful and just dreamy.
Have a wonderful day.
Big hug,
Hello Giac,
Thank you! Really happy you like the photos.:)
Big hug back to you
The sunsets are stunning. Thanks for these gorgeous photos.
Hugs, Drora
Gracias por las fotografias,que maravilla de la naturaleza,son impresionantes,un beso.Rosa.
Happy you like them Drora! Thank you!
Thank you Rosa! Happy you like the photos!
Замечательные фотографии.
Спасибо за удовольствие
A sunset boat trip - that's one of the most beautiful possibilities to spend money I could think of... Wonderful photos!
Oh, Ewa! That is just Spectacular!!! You are so lucky to have such a Magnificent Display on your boat ride! Your pictures are Stunning! Thank you for sharing them!!!
Son unas fotografías magníficas Ewa!
Disfruta tu viaje
Un abrazo
GRACIAS por no tener palabra de verificación
Cudne barwy^_^ A bujać fakt potrafi.... czasem mi się zdaje, że im bliżej brzegu tym gorzej:D No chyba, że sie trafi na sztorm to co innego:P
Thank you very much Tatiana! Happy you like them!:)
Happy you like them Brigit!! Thank you!
Hugs and kisses
Muchisimas gracias Rosamargarita! Happy you like them!
Happy you like them Betsy! Somehow I would be very disappointed if you didn't write that.;)
Oj sztormu to bym chyba jednak nie chciała, Efa.;) A bujać potrafi na Bałtyku aż miło.;)
I really love your skies, Ewalina :)
:) I loved them too Sam. But it was sooooooooooooo cold out there! LOL!
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