Professor Severus Snape's Office - click on the photo to visit it

"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

May 29, 2012

The swing. Huśtawka.

Hello dear Momma Brigit! Hello dear Flutterby!! Hello my dear BiWuBaren!!!
Did you miss me??? Here is me, writing to you!!!!

Now when our little surprise arrived safely to my family home I can show you how to use little swing. Originally we(with my new momma)thought about Flutterby. Although I remember all the Baren perfectly and my new momma had an honor to meet Singa in person,while he was travelling with dear Sans to his new home, we both thought you all are as big! That's why we thought about making quite wide swing(for Flutterby's legs to fit in...;D).
But this is good because now there is enough place for two Baren to sit there...

...or for one to lie comfortably a bit.

Above you can see the swing hangs on two... er...hooks. But you can also hang it on one...

...beneath a tree i.e. (If you have one, that is!;D)

And if you're affraid of falling down you can always hold on to the cords(which I specially braided myself for you, dear Fluby!).

My new mommy did sew the cushion. That is why the stiches are sooooooo...."even"! Hihihi! Sorry about that!

Have fun with the swing and share it with all of the Baren, please!

Oh, and my new momma says I should write a big THANK YOU Fluby for your photo on the swing!!! We were very happy to see it!!

Lots of love and kisses to all and each of you.
A big one for my Momma Brigit!!!

Prezent dla Brigit i jej utalentowanego misia Flutterby.:) Własnoręcznie zrobiona hustawka.:)

May 28, 2012

My May Girl and the drier rack. Majowa dziewczyna i suszarka na bieliznę.

So here she is. I wonder if seeing her shoe before, have you expected she'll look like this?;)

Oh and I forgot to tell you: I had to made these shoes because she came with... two left legs!!!!LOL!

I tried to sew. I really did! But I very soon gave up. The glue is my best friend for sure.:)

I still have some problems with making arms properly...

Anyway I hope you will like her.:)

And as dear Victoria has finally got my give-away gift and showed it on her wonderful blog, I can tell you why she had to wait for so long. As soon as I saw her name on the drawn piece of paper I wanted to make her additional gift. A miniature of something she wrote once she likes very much.:) So I made her very own drier rack. This one is just like you could see it here before, inspired by IKEA.;) Yes, I know it took me too much time....;)

Moja Majowa Dziewczyna. Czy ktos obstawiał, że będzie własnie taka?;)Jak zwykle próbowałam szyć. Ale nie da się ukryć, że klej moim przyjacielem jest.;D Wciąż mam problemy z górą lalki, żeby wyglądała bardziej po ludzku. Mam nadzieję, że się Wam spodoba. Załączam też kilka fotek suszarki, którą zrobiłam specjalnie dla Victorii, zwyciężczyni mojego give-away. Jest to ten sam wzór co poprzednio-inspirowany fotką ze starego katalogu Ikei.

May 24, 2012

A shoe. But.

The May Girl is waking up very slowly.

Hope I manage to finish her before May ends.;D

Majowa dziewczyna budzi się bardzo powoli. Mam nadzieję, że zdążę ją zrobić zanim Maj się skończy.:D

May 22, 2012

"My-easy-to-make-style", part 3 - What you need to make it. Łatwe-do-zrobienia, cz.3 - Co potrzeba.

Quck post to tell you I am back with commenting!!!!!
And for those dear Followers who want to try to make garden furniture themselves, here is what you need:

You can see the tops/backs/seatings and legs of the furniture and the rings that keep legs in place. To make table legs I put pieces of toothpicks in the tubes' holes to make them longer and glue them together.
Years ago I bought a little tube of Pattex Super Fix which was working perfectly for me for these kind of furniture and even to glue shelves on the walls in Snape's Office. Unfortunately last year I bought a big tube of the same product but somehow this is much weaker than the one I had before. I checked all names and they are the same, still this one doesn't hold pieces so strong. So now I am mixing these 3 glues.
I guess you have to find a glue that will bond strongly metal and wood together for yourselves. I am sure you all will find something better than what I have.:)

Edit. Some great tips from Kathy:
"Kathy wanted to share some tips you might to try for future projects. 1. There is a pre-mixed paint you can buy to give the antique bronze finish. The brand is "Sophisticated Finishes" by Modern Options. 2. On metal, there is an acid based liquid that creates the patina of weathered metal. You could find it at a Stained Glass supply store. Kathy has a bottle from GROBIT USA in New Jersey USA. 3. To weather unpainted wood, Kathy uses WEATHER-IT by A-West in Georgia USA. Hope this is useful for you and the others."

Thank you so much Kathy and Tim!

Hope this helps to all of you who want to give it a try.:) Good luck!:)

And guess to whom these little boxes are going to tommorow?;D

Dzis fotka z tym, czego potrzebujecie, żeby zrobić sobie mebelki ogrodowe we własnym zakresie.:)Na fotce widać siedziska/blaty/oparcia, nogi i pierscienie, które te nogi trzymają razem. Żeby nogi stołu były wyższe przedłużam je wkładając w rurki wykałaczki przycięte na odpowiednią długosć i sklejam razem. Bardzo długo używałam do klejenia jedynie Pattexu, niestety w nowej tubce o tej samej nazwie znalazłam dużo słabszy klej, więc obecnie mieszam te trzy media, żeby otrzymać oczekiwaną moc wiązania metalu.:) Mam nadzieję, że te informacje pomogą tym, którzy chcieliby zrobić meble samemu. Powodzenia!

May 21, 2012

"My-easy-to-make-style", part 2: tarnished copper . Łatwe-do-zrobienia, cz.2 - zaśniedziała miedź

Still having problems with commenting and my laptop, that's why I am posting this much later than "very soon".;D

I tried different shapes and, mostly: new colour.

This time it is supposed to be tarnished copper. Mixed green, blue and white acrylic paints and after painting added a bit of copper colour here and there too.

I really love the pattern on this big square table.:)

Big, big, big thanks go to:
Flor - yellow roses
Sans - basket, other flowers

Hope you like these garden furniture too!

Wciąż mam problemy z komentowaniem i moim laptopem, dlatego tego posta publikuję z małym opóźnieniem.:) Tym razem wypróbowywałam inne kształty i kolor: zasniedziałą miedź. Najbardziej podoba mi się wzór na tym dużym kwadratowym stole.;) Mam nadzieję, że meble Wam się spodobają.

May 11, 2012

"My-easy-to-make-style", part 1: white and black. Łatwe-do-zrobienia, cz.1: białe i czarne.

First of all I have to say lately I have some problems with commenting on some of your blogs. Probably it is because my laptop got broken again, I managed to repair it but since then on some of my favourite blogs, even when I am logged in, I cannot comment at all or I can do this only as anonymous.:( Please don't think I forgot about you! I hope I will be able to solve this problem soon.

Last November I first wrote about "my-easy-to-make-style" of garden furniture. Back then my tables were the same heigh as my stools, which wasn't making me happy. Lately I found a solution on this problem and I can construct still-3-legs-tables perfect for 1:12 scale. Finally also now I can make not only stools but chairs too!

I found these pretty jewelry parts not so long ago but I still work with the squared ones too.:)

Hope you will like them as I will post some more very soon!:)

Przede wszystkim muszę się wytłumaczyć z braku komentowania niektórych Waszych blogów. Niestety ostatnio znów padł mi laptop i choć tym razem udało mi się go naprawić bez serwisu, to niestety konsekwencją tego jest to, że nie mogę na niektórych blogach w ogóle komentować lub komentarze moje są...anonimowe. Proszę w żadnym razie nie myslcie, że o Was zapomniałam!
W poscie z Listopada 2011 pisałam o moich własnoręcznych mebelkach ogrodowych. Wtedy stoły i taborety były tej samej wysokosci. Ostatnio udało mi się wymyslić jak zrobić stoły tak, żeby pasowały do skali 1:12! Wpadłam też na pomysł jak łatwo połączyć różne metalowe półfabrykaty, żeby otrzymać krzesło z oparciem. Jak widać wypróbowuję różne ich kształty.:) I mam nadzieję, że się Wam spodobają.:)

May 5, 2012

The Rays of Light. Świet(l)ne Promienie.

I promise it is the last non-mini post for now.:)
But I had to share it with you.
This morning, from my window.
I do love rays of light. But I guess you know it by now.:)

Obiecuję, że to ostatni nie-mini post na jakis czas. Ale bardzo chciałam się z Wami podielić tymi widokami. Poranek, widziany z mojego okna. Kocham takie widoki. Ale przecież już o tym wiecie.:)