Professor Severus Snape's Office - click on the photo to visit it

"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

Jan 27, 2012

The Little Blue Rhapsody. Mała błękitna rapsodia.

So finally one of W.I.P. is finished.:)

Somehow I really like little spaces to put a miniature scene in lately.;)

Except for the candles that were gift from Sans! everything is made by me this time.;)
Floor made of scrapbooking paper , cut into squares, glued on cardboard, cut out again, slightly lightened with white acrylic paint and varnished, as usual, with transparent nail polish. Added gray fugue too.

The curtains are made of Indian silk and cheap shawls in two colours.

All furniture you could see in previous posts about the rainbow coffee tables, Chinese furniture set and little lantern.

The only thing you haven't seen before is a vase for roses. It suits here perfectly. But it made me thinking about the name of this project for a while. The vase is made of a sample of perfume which isn't called blue rhapsody at all. ;)

So where is this scene put in?

Hope you will like it, becuse I have another lantern like this to fill in! LOL!

Jeden z "projektów w trakcie" skończony. Jakos tak spodobało mi się zapełnianie niewielkich powierzchni miniaturami. Tym razem poza swiecami od Sans! wszystko zrobione jest przeze mnie. Podłoga ze scrapbookowego papieru, pocięta na kafle, podklejone do kartonu, rozjasnione białą farbą i polakierowane jak zwykle bezbarwnym lakierem do paznokci. Nie zapomniałam o szarej fudze pomiędzy kaflami.Zasłonki z tanich indyjskich jedwabnych szali. Wszystkie meble można było już obejrzeć we wczeniejszych postach. Jedynie wazon się w nich wczesniej nie pojawił. Trochę się przez niego nazastanawiałam nad nazwą tego projektu, bo z błękitną rapsodią nie ma nic wspólnego. Ale pasuje do tej niewielkiej przestrzeni.;) Mam nadzieję, że całosć się Wam spodoba, bo czeka na mnie kolejna taka latarnia do zagospodarowania!:D


Garden of Miniatures said...

A lovely scene Ewa a pretty roses ;-)! Warm hugs,Jeannette x

The Old Maid said...

Thank you so much, Jeannette!
The roses aren't a half as pretty as yours but they must do here.;)

Drora's minimundo said...

It's absolutely lovely. Can't wait to see what you put in the other lantern.

The Old Maid said...

Thank you very much, Drora!
I have a couple of ideas.;D

Cote said...

Un preciosidad de escena!!

The Old Maid said...

Muchisimas gracias, Cote!

Unknown said...

what a lovely idea, look forward to seeing what you do next x

PILAR6373 said...

Una escena finísima,con mucho gusto,enhorabuena!!

The Old Maid said...

Thank you, Debbie! Happy you like it!
Oh, you know, it may be something completely different, LOL!

The Old Maid said...

Muchisimas gracias, Pilar! Happy you like it!

Dark Squirrel Victoria said...

Beautiful work Ewa! I love the vase of flowers.

I can't wait to see what you put in the other lantern.


The Old Maid said...

Thank you sooooo much, Victoria!
I like this vase too! LOL!
Hope to start next lantern soon.:)

Plushpussycat said...

What a beautiful, romantic space! I love your photographs too! Great job! :-) Jennifer

Unknown said...

Czy się spodoba? Jak zawsze! Ewuniu jesteś dla mnie studnią inspiracji. Fotel jest przepiękny. Gratuluję wykonania. Pozdrawiam cieplutko!

Mari@ said...

Wow dear Ewa... an amazing work! I love your style and this is a fabulous scene. Hugs

Sans! said...

Ewa, place one of those books you used to make in there somewhere (like those you gave me) and this will be an idyllic hideaway. O yes, a little "shhhh..." sign on the door :).

A most charming lantern. You can keep making these!

BiWuBär said...

You should add Gershwin now to your musicplayer (LOL). Wonderful scene - all your fantastic miniatures add to a very lovely scene. And that flower vase is stunning, how practical, this perfume not only made a perfect vase but gave you the right name for this precious project. And now go on with the next lantern, hurry up, I can't wait to see more of this!!!


Daydreamer said...

AAAH! Perfect, Ewa! I LOVE these tiny contained worlds in a lantern!! (In fact, I have been wanting to make one myself....! Yours are SO inspiring!)
But as you know... I have too many projects already... So I will just admire YOURS and maybe Someday... make my own!

Maria Ireland said...

The lantern scene is wonderful. The vase of roses is gorgeous. Cant wait to see the next lantern.
Hugs Maria

Patty said...

That really came out so wonderful. I love that it is in a lantern! I look forward to your next project! I love this scene!

Johanna said...

Very beautiful!! Roses are so so lovely! I love that chair too!

carmen said...

bellísimas imágenes, gracias...tambien me gustan mucho las escenas en linternas...

Gill Bayes Miniatures said...

I really like this little scene in the lantern! The floor is brilliant - well worth all the effort. Gill x

The Old Maid said...

Thank you so much, Jennifer! It was really hard to photograph this little space as the day are still short.

The Old Maid said...

Serdeczne dzięki Niuńka!!! Strasznie dużo tych niezasłużonych komplementów...:D

The Old Maid said...

Mari@ thank you very very much for all your too kind words!!! Happy you like it!

The Old Maid said...

A book, Sans? I was actually thinking of it ( a book with pair of glasses;)) but I have to admit I haven't been making any of these for a long time....
Well one more lantern soon to appear here I guess. But not very soon, LOL!

The Old Maid said...

Hahahaha, Brigit!!!!!! I thought about changing music for a second.LOL!
So happy you like it! Thank you!!!

The Old Maid said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed for your lantern, Besty!! I am already sure it will be a little treasure!
Thank you soooo much!

The Old Maid said...

Thank you very much, Maria!! Happy you like them!

The Old Maid said...

Thank you so much, Patty! It is great to know you love it!

The Old Maid said...

Thank you, Johanna! Happy you like them!:)

The Old Maid said...

Muchisimas gracias, Carmen! Good to know you like such scenes too!

The Old Maid said...

Thank you very much, Gill! I too like this floor! It came out nicely, I think.:)

Unknown said...

Oooh wiesz, że jesteś genialna?!! Naprawdę, uwielbiam patrzeć na twoje miniaturowe światy. To jets takie urocze i dopracowane w szczególe. Już się nei moge doczekaś następnej latarenki...ciekawe w jakich kolorkach będzie...zielony, czerwony...hmmm ^_^
A dziś widziałam w sklepie miniaturowe zwierzątka i drzewka etc i od razu o tobie pomyślałam:)

The Old Maid said...

Oooooo, ale masz dobrze! U nas miniaturowe to co najwyżej do skali kolejowej albo samolotowej.:(
Bardzo Ci dziękuję za miłe słowa, Efa!!! Dużo dla mnie znaczą.:)
Hmmm tak sobie myślę, że trochę niebieskiego tam też będzie, ale innych kolorów tym razem będzie więcej. Przynajmniej taki jest plan. ;)

Ascension said...

Que preciosa escena, es un rincon lleno de encanto.
Un fantastico trabajo.
besitos ascension

The Old Maid said...

Muchisimas gracias, Ascension!Estoy muy contento con que te guste!

Eliana said...

o.m.g! The scene is amazing! You can fill all the lanterns in the world!

Kathy said...

Wow!!!!!!!!! Gorgeous! And I really like the white flowers !!!!!!!!!

The Old Maid said...

Thank you so much, Eliana!:D Don't really know if they all would like to be filled in with miniatures! LOL!

The Old Maid said...

Thank you, dear T.K.O!!!!!!!!!!So happy you like it!!!!!

Jaana Juu said...

Beautiful an so romantic space! I love it!

The Old Maid said...

Thank you so much, Hissunkissun! Happy you like it!

ozuszka said...

Ale cudowne :)
Wszystko tak ładnie dopasowane i zrobione z dbałością o szczegóły :)
Jak dla mnie idealny kącik dla mojej Livki ;) Pozdrawiam :)

The Old Maid said...

Dzięki Ozuszko! Nie wiem co prawda czy Livka by tam czasem nie dostała klaustrofobi.;D

The Dangerous Mezzo said...

Beautiful work, and really beautifully photographed, Ewa :) I adore those roses ...

carmen said...

hay algo para tí en mi blog, pásate por allí...

Arestrea said...

Bardzo lubię te Twoje latarenki z mini scenkami:) Są przeurocze!


The Old Maid said...

Thank you so much, Nina!Happy you like them.:) Good to see you here!

The Old Maid said...

Muchisimas gracias, Carmen!!

The Old Maid said...

Dziękuję bardzo Arestreo!!! Cieszę się, że się podobają!

Cinderella Moments said...

Stunning! And the roses are to die for!

The Old Maid said...

Thank you so much Caroline!
Maybe you have to wait a bit longer for the background to appear. I know it happens sometimes...