Professor Severus Snape's Office - click on the photo to visit it

"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

Jun 23, 2011

A little photo session with the teddy bear;)

Life's become to ease the stress I took a few photos of Seiichiro Kirei (Luts, Maska) and his own teddy-bear. More on bjdolls site:)Hope you will like them both. :)

Krótka sesja Seiichiro Kirei z misiem dla odprężenia od stresu. Więcej jak zwykle tutaj Mam nadzieję, że się spodoba.

Jun 15, 2011


Wisłoujscie it is a name of a place where our biggest river, Wisła, falls into the Baltic Sea. Today my co-worker decided that we are going back home from work another way and we took...ferry!

As you can see on the photos the trip was really short - we waited for an empty ferry to come back for us much longer than we actually traveled by it but I had a bit of time to take a few photos.

Except from the water and miniature flowers we also saw the Wisłoujscie's fortress, which originally was built in XIV century.

Since this time to the XVIII century the building was being used as a guart-house, a lighthouse, a fortress and Polish navy base. Later the building was used as a jail and during the time between the WWI and WWII there was also a nautical club. In 1945 the fortress was destroyed by the red army.
Even today it is not fully reconstructed, yet it is registered on the list of the World Monuments Watch. The fortress is also a place where many endagered bat's species spend their winters.
And since I was looking for some information about the fortress in the web I can tell you this: this fortress looks much more interesting from the land than from the water side. ;)

Dzis wracałysmy z kolejnej służbowej podróży przez Nowy Port i postanowiłysmy przeprawić się do domu promem Wisłoujscie! No dobra, na prom zdecydowanie dłużej się czeka niż nim płynie, ale dzięki temu mogłam zrobić parę fotek. Z pokładu i drugiego brzegu widać też Twierdzę Wisłoujscie. Radzę poszukać zdjęć twierdzy w internecie, bo od strony lądu wygląda o wiele lepiej i ciekawiej niż od strony wody:)

Jun 9, 2011

An unexpected photo hunt

Travelling again today. We were going to another city through Radzyń Chełmiński and saw this.

A little animal that reminded me of Debbie;D

No time to visit inside as usual....
More about this castle here - in Polish only but many more photos to see there.

Łów z dzisiejszej podróży. Więcej o zamku w Radzyniu Chełmińskim tutaj.

Jun 3, 2011

The Bracelet

Modeling: Evike (DOD DOC Petsha)

My absolute favourite photo:)

Sesyjka z okazji bransoletki. Modelka: Evike DOD DOC Petsha:)

Jun 2, 2011

Still the same: on the road again...

...but it seems I might stop travelling around July for a while. It would be great to have the time for minis again!:)
Anyway still some photos taken during the travelling. And yes, it is Toruń again....
A bit of spring.

A bit of metal arts

The curve tower (yes! yes! We have one too!!!;)

A part of the medieval castle's ruins.

Some snaps straight from the car window;)
Wild wild west ;D

Colza fields in full bloom.

Lucky trees - law protected avenue.;)

Troszkę fotek z trasy i znów z Torunia. Wreszcie doszłysmy do krzywej wieży:P