In the office of course ;)Didn't I say I have a few more ideas? ;)
I had to make it to show off this fab probe on stand made by Ericka VanHorn. It is the most simple shelf you can possible imagine. I painted it with sienna acrylic paint added a bit of brown one and then polished the edges with quite thick sandpaper and glued to the wall.
I like it.:)
Nowa półka u Severusa. No przecież napisałam, że mam parę pomysłów, prawda?.;)A do tej super probówki na statywie od Ericki VanHorn, musiałam koniecznie cos wymyslić. To najprostsza półeczka na swiecie, pomalowałam ją farbą akrylową o nazwie siena i poscierałam brzegi całkiem gruboziarnistym papierem sciernym, przykleiłam do sciany i gotowe!
Hello 2025
5 days ago
I like it too! I love anything Ericka makes. It looks great over the big shelf of potions :)
Victoria ♥
Ewa, I've just spent a very happy half hour catching up on your posts of Snape's office - words fail me! - it's a superb success!! Inspirational!
xxx Glenda
I love Ericka miniatures too, Victoria! Happy you like it!:)
Dear Glenda, I hope you had/have(?) wonderful time with your family! But I am glad you're back!:D And very happy you like his office :D
Your shelf looks great on the wall! How much admission do you charge to see Snape's office? ;-) How I would LOVE to see it.
I like it too... !!! And I don't think it's simple - in fact it's perfect for this beautiful miniature.
Have a great weekend!
Ewa, it looks just right..... I didn't think there was anything left to add, but there is always room for a treasure from Ericka! Your shelf is so simple.... and sometimes simple is the best!
Hi! I was looking at your miniatures (about me) and I see that you live in Poland. My dad was from Poland. I've never been there. But,
I that it's very pretty!
It looks great !Can't stop looking at the pictures you post,everywhere is something wich catch my eyes !!!Hugs,Jeannette
Catherine, I would charge nothing from you - the ticket to Poland would be way too enough! ;D Thank you so much!:D
Thank you very much Brigit! Happy you like it! Have a great weekend too!:)
You are so right Betsy! I am still waiting for the last jar made by Ericka to come. Telling the truth I am beginning to loose the hope, as it was sent over the month ago :(
Happy you like the simple shelf :D
Thank you so much, Katy! So you are half Polish then ;D It would be great if you could come to visit your Dad's motherland some day, I am sure you would like it here.:)
You made me so happy, Jeannette! You are very kind for me, thank you very very much! Happy you like it!!:D
I love it! :)
Thank you Jollie!:)
Gabinet Severusa, sądząc po zdjęciach z poprzednich postów, wyszedł Ci GENIALNIE! Powiem Ci, że gdybym nie wiedziała, że to skala 1:12 to pewnie bym się nie zorientowała -wszystko jest wykonane tak precyzyjnie. A efektownych drobiazgów nigdy nie za wiele - ich nagromadzenie tworzy niepowtarzalny nastrój tego gabinetu. Podziwiam i gratuluję!
Ewa, un precioso detalle para rematar un trabajo fantastico!!!!
besitos ascension
Dziękuję Ci bardzo Zosiu! Jak widać lalki nie wychodzą mi tak fajnie jak roomboxy ;D Bardzo się cieszę, że Ci się podoba!:D
Muchisimas gracias Ascension! You are alway very kind for me!:D
I am popping by to catch up on all the posts I have missed. 3 so far :):).
I know you kept showing photos of Snape's room but I kept spotting new things like the scale (ooooooooooooooooh) and the candlelebra (oooohlala!)
Your shelf may be simple but it is very effective. Eyes will be drawn to the Erika V's creation naturally when they look at the room :).
:D Glad you find always something new Sans ;D Hope you are better and better now! Of course I am very happy you like it! :D
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