Professor Severus Snape's Office - click on the photo to visit it

"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

Sep 15, 2012

Finally: the dunes. Wydmy, w końcu.

That day we walked around 15km together.The longest way was to the dunes. It was a pleasand walk in the forest shadow with light wind.

But the dunes welcomed us with hot, muggy and very sunny weather.

As the dunes are volatile the sand moves back and forth. Wherever they move they overwhelm every plant, tree, lakes leaving dry stumps.

But if only the dunes move away just a bit, plants are ready to take over and get back the land that belonged to them before.

You can see these waves of wandering sand on this picture(and me too.LOL)

The highest dune is 42m high and it's named Góra Łęcka - Łęcka Mountain. You can walk down this mountain to the beach.

I remember once someone said it's not worth to go to The Sahara Desert when we have almost the same sea of sand over here.:)
Being here and there I can say both places are worth visiting.

The last picture of our trip was taken in Baltica Marina Yacht Club. Pretty place facing the marina, close to the beach and the centre of Łeba,good food. But I loved most the chandelier of wine bottles.;)

Thank you all for being so kind and watching my trip. Hope you liked the photos and they made you thinking of visiting my beautiful country one day.:)

Ostatni wpis z wycieczki. Ogółem tego dnia przeszłyśmy około 15km. W większości szło nam się dobrze, bo w cieniu i z lekkim wiaterkiem. Najgorsza była gwałtowna zmiana pogody gdy doszłyśmy do wydm. Nieznośny upał i kompletny brak wiatru. Ponieważ wydmy są lotne, to widać jakie spustoszenie sieją gdy dotrą na teren zamieszkały przez rośliny, ale widać też jak silne są te ostatnie, bo gdy wydmy choć trochę się cofną na ich miejsce, a czasem i na nich jeszcze wyrastają trawy.
Najwyższą wydmą jest Góra Łęcka mierząca sobie 42mnpm. Można z niej zejść na plażę równie piaszczystą jak same wydmy.Ostatnie zdjęcie zrobione jest w Klubie Jachtowym Baltica Marina, pięknie położony, blisko wszędzie, z widokiem na marinę i dobrym jedzeniem. Mnie jednak najbardziej podobał się "żyrandol" z butelek po winie.:)Mam nadzieję, że relacja z podróży po naszym pięknym kraju się Wam podobała.

Sep 14, 2012

I want to be a star! Chcę być gwiazdą!

My Friend just LOVES to take pictures of all these worms, insects, ugly little creatures that move around us no matter where we are. And of course the photo must be taken on macro function. The closer the better. I, on the other hand, hate these eyesores but this time one of them made us both laugh.

My friend spotted this green caterpillar first. It was walking around the edge of the wastepaper basket in the forest we had to cross to get to the dunes. I really wanted to pass it by but I knew the photoshooting was something that my friend wouldn't miss having this creature so close. I was certain the caterpillar would try to avoid lens as it was too close to it.

But I was completely wrong....You see the catepillar wanted to be famous....

The further the lens was from it, the stronger it wanted to be closer to it,lol!

Little forest star.

After 2km of walking we reached the entrance to the Slowinski National Park. We stopped at Łebsko lake to take a few pictures.

See this little white point just in the centre of the photo? This is our destination.

Okay, a bit closer. See now? Yes, that's one of the dunes.

All we had to do was to walk another 8,8km...

Tę zieloną gąsienicę spotkałyśmy w lasach Słowińskiego Parku Narodowego wędrując do wydm. Bardzo nas rozbawiła, bo byłyśmy przekonane, że zacznie uciekać od obiektywu jak najdalej, ona jednak bardzo chciała być gwiazdą...
Na panoramie jeziora Łebskiego możecie dostrzec prawie na samym środku maleńką białą kropkę. To cel naszej pieszej wędrówki. Jeszcze tylko 8,8km i będziemy na wydmach...

Sep 13, 2012

The Sunset. Zachód Słońca.

The first day of our trip was heading to an end and my friend wanted to take a few pictures of the sunset. While walking to the other beach for a better view, we read about the sunset boat ride and quickly decided we want it too. So we got on board of the galleon.

I had never expected it would be sooooooo cold and the boat would be jumping really high and really!
But the views... just look at that.:)

Just when we thought the sunset was almost over, a new feeria of colours has just began!

Awesome isn't it?;)

Dzień pierwszy naszej wyprawy zakończyłyśmy oglądając zachód słońca z pokładu galeona. Nigdy nie przypuszczałam, że będzie tak ziiiimno i że będzie tak bujało. Ale widoki a raczej kolory zrekompensowały nam wszystko.:)

Sep 12, 2012

The millionaire housing estate. Osiedle Milionerów.

That's what is written on this!

It was also one of the first things we saw in Łeba.

It is not even a big place but it has it's own very low old town.

But of course Łeba is a tourist mecca, well known for it's flat and long beaches.

The castle-hotel was built in 1905.

While walking to the other beach we stopped by an art gallery and I couldn't believe I found...miniatures! LOL!

A word of explanation: Łeba lies near The Lighthouses Route and we could see all of them in one place and in miniature!

Łeba jest niedużym turystycznym miasteczkiem, ale ma swoje własne stare miasto i piękne płaskie plaże. Hotel-zamek został zbudowany w 1905 roku. No i nawet udało mi się znaleźć miniatury! Łeba znajduje się niedaleko Szlaku Morskich Latarni a tu były wszystkie w jednym miejscu!

Sep 11, 2012

A short trip to Łeba in a few parts.;) Krótka wyprawa do Łeby w kilku odsłonach.

This year is odd for me. The older I get the stranger people seem to be. Can you imagine I met a scammer? Well, not that we met in person or I was ripped off but it's still hard for me to believe people can act like this. Like fools. Or thinking the rest of us are fools. Anyway I feel sorry only for a real person who's data were used without the knowledge and consent of this person...

Still I need to apologize for not posting anything for so long and posting yet another non-mini post now. I am waiting for a very important decission and seems to me I can't concentrate on anything else, so when my friend suggested a short trip I thought it was the best idea to get some rest.
It took us 1,5 day only and hundreds of photos!lol. Of course I don't want to make you bored with them but as usual I thought it's a great opportunity to show a bit of Poland to you once again.

This time we wanted to see very famous volatile dunes near Łeba but decided not to hurry up and also see anything we would find interesting while driving there. So today I will show you what we saw before we reached Łeba

This is a palace Below in Sławutówko, built in 1912 by von Below family,now hotel.

As usual I was more interested in surroundings than the renovated palace.;)

A castle von Krockow in Krokowa, built between XIV-XVIII century, hosts a hotel, a restaurant and a museum now.

Saint Catherine of Alexandria church in Krokowa also.

A manor house Six Oaks in Prusewo, also a hotel now.

Again I was most interested in the early XXth century farm buildings placed on the right side of the manor...

....and the walls on the left side of it.

We stopped for dinner in Wierzchucino villiage.

And Sasino was our last stop before we arrived to Łeba. Unfortunately this palace built in 1862 is closed and put up for sale - if anyone's interested ;)- so we could see only a piece of it.

Dziś kolejny nie-miniaturowy post. Trochę się u mnie dzieje i czekam na ważną decyzję i jakoś trudno mi się skupić na czymkolwiek innym. Więc gdy moja koleżanka zaproponowała krótki wypad do Łeby bardzo chętnie się zgodziłam. Dziś fotki z trasy do Łeby. Zatrzymywałyśmy się gdzie chciałyśmy i tak obejrzałyśmy: pałac Below w Sławutówku, zamek w Krokowej, dworek Sześć Dębów w Prusewie czy pałac w Sasinie,który jest na sprzedaż jakby to kogoś interesowało.;)